Đề tuyển chọn học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Có đáp án)

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  1. ĐỀ TUYỂN CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TIẾNG ANH 11 (4) PART ONE: READING COMPREHENSION A. Read the following text and choose the best answer (10 ms) Western people rely on technical and mechanical solutions in everything they do. Refrigerators preserve their food, washing machines clean their underwear and computers are supposed to solve all their problems. When they are ill, they rely on the surgeon's knife. If their hearts are running down, then they must be repaired; if they cannot be repaired, they should be replaced, just as an old car sometimes gets a new engine. But up to now we had a shortage of donors to give their hearts: to keep one person alive, another donor had to die. Nowadays there is more and more talk about using monkeys. Every monkey has a near-human heart, and humans have always been over careful in respecting the lives and well-being as other animals. This includes the life and well-being of other humans. Therefore in the early years of the 21st century - I was told - the mass killings of monkeys may occur. We'll need to use their hearts for human consumption. Monkeys, on the whole, are happier creatures than their near relatives, Homo Sapiens, or man. They know fear, of course, and they face real dangers, but they are also more intelligent than us. They create no unnecessary dangers for themselves; they run no businesses, chase no money, are unimpressed by gold - that utterly useless metal, and they do not care at all about hell or evil spirits. I have a vague feeling that it is not monkeys' hearts that we ought to implant in ourselves but monkeys' brains. 1. According to the author, westerners believe health problems can be solved by A. spending more money on scientific research. B. taking more precautions. С. using technical or mechanical methods. D. increasing the number of doctors. 2. The problem with heart transplants has been that A. artificial hearts do not work very well. B. there are not usually enough donors. С. some of the heart donors are too old. D. many people die after the operation's. 3. The author suggests that in the future A. people will care less about other human beings. B. monkey hearts will form part of our diet. С. monkeys will become extinct. D. monkey hearts will be used in transplant operations. 4. The author says that monkeys A. live in a relatively safe world in the jungle. B. are not capable of feeling emotions like fear. С. are not capable of logical thinking. D. are usually more content than humans. 5. The author suggests that A. human being will return to more nature lifestyle. B. we are wrong to think of ourselves as cleverer than monkeys. С monkeys would be better at running the world than humans. D. scientists should work out how to do brain transplants. 6. The main point the author is making is that humans A. make life more complicated than it needs to be. B. have no right to make use of other animals. С. should worry less about growing old. D. are similar in many ways to monkeys. Find a word or phrase in the text which means: 7. prevent from decaying 8. losing power, working more slowly 9. not clear or definite 10. to put into a body В. Choose one of the half-sentence endings from the list (A-K) to complete each blank in the passage (10 ms) A new generation of 'intelligent' buildings can be seen (0) К Today, many of the buildings that people work in (1) These decisions enable the buildings to (2) If a fire should start in one, for example, the
  2. building's alarm system sends a message to a computer, which immediately instructs (3) The computer can also (4) Then it operates doors to contain the fire, (5). The building can also take care (6). In the case of a faulty air-conditioner, for example, (7) But an intelligent building does more (8) Twenty-four hours a day, it checks (9) It adjusts the condition of each to suit those working inside during the day, (10) A. than just react to emergencies. B. the building will telephone the service engineers and tell them what has gone wrong. С and turns off some of the systems at night. D. lighting, heating and ventilation. E. can make their own decisions. F. the telephone system to call the fire department. G. of breakdowns. H. tell the employees what to do. I. while at the same time allowing people to escape. J. look after themselves and the people inside them. K. in cities all around the world. B. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below. (5 ms) male chauvinist second-class citizens discrimination militant unisex sexist sex-objects exploitation male-dominated feminist the weaker sex A (0) feminist is a person, usually a woman, who believes that women should be regarded as equal to men. She, or he, deplores (1) against women in the home, place of work or anywhere, and her principal enemy is the (2) , who believes that men are naturally superior. Tired of being referred to as (3) , women are becoming more and more (4) and are winning the age-old battle of the sexes. They are sick to death of (5) jokes which poke fun at women. They are no longer content to be regarded as (6) in terms of economic, political and social status. They criticize beauty contests and the use of glamorous female models in advertisements, which they describe as the (7) of female beauty, since women in these situations are represented as mere (8) We no longer live in the (9) societies of the past. Let us hope, however, that the revolution stops before we have a boring world in which sex doesn't make much difference. We already have (10) hairdressers and fashions. What next? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D. Complete the letter from a TV viewer to the programme Viewpoint. Use ONE word in each space (5 ms) Dear Viewpoint, I'm becoming increasingly (1) about the quality of (2) on television. I have, therefore, (3) to write to say how disappointed I am that you cannot think of anything more (4) to offer the public. I was very annoyed to hear that you are planning to (5) even (6) police dramas, which many people (7) very boring, and I doubt (8) any viewers will be amused by your new hospital drama series. A few years ago, there were (9). more documentaries and exciting films on TV, but everything seems to have changed. I find it astonishing that your (10) have fallen so low, but, sadly, I'm not convinced that things will improve. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART TWO: USE OF ENGLISH A. Pronunciation and stress. (10 ms) Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. modal B. model C. modest D. modern 2. A. beard B. cheer C. heard D. weird 3. A. cue B. hue C. queue D. suede 4. A. brooch B. mould C. proud. D. shoulder 5. A. issue B. passion C. tissue D. vessel 6. A. food B. good C. look D. took 7. A. clothes B. drove C. ghost D.gone 8. A. facsimile B. recipe C. sesame D. smile 9 A. gaiety B. gene C. gesture D. margarine
  3. 10. A. closure B. pleasure C. seizure D. pressure Underline the stressed syllable in each of the following words advertisement, photographer, boutique, individually, dramatically, creative, creature, competitive, accurate, ancestor B. Complete the following sentences, using suitable verbs in their appropriate forms (10 ms) 1. A lot of money from a French bank last year. 2. Windows on the inside to prevent thieves entering. 3. Jewellery always in the bank for safety. 4. the ransom the kidnapper? 5. If there aren't any tickets left when we reach the front of the queue, we all this time for nothing. 6. I had my baby against small-pox when he was 6 months old. 7. I hope they an encore at the end of the show. 8. I've decided what to do about my financial problems. I my car and buy a bike. 9. He congratulated me on to represent the school to go in for the competition. 10. It's time you a new dictionary. Yours is out of date. C. Complete each of the following sentences, using a phrasal verb in its appropriate form. (10 ms) 1. After the operation he had to on crutches. 2. It's the chemist's job to prescriptions. 3. She didn't like being criticized by a senior nurse, she was very 4. They the food very attractively in the canteen. 5. Has your aunt her operation yet? 6. She fainted in the theatre because of the heat but the nurse soon her into a rash. 7. He had scarlet fever and 8. As a driver, he had never actually anybody but he did once hit a cyclist. 9. We were for several hours at the airport because of a bomb scare. 10. Why do you always at me about working harder? D. Complete each phrase with a word or phrase from the list. Use each word once only (10 ms) baked beans chocolates jam orange juice soap flowers breakfast cereal margarine paper tissues toothpaste 1. a tube of 6. a box of 2. a bunch of 7. a packet of 3. a pot of 8. a bar of 4. a tin of 9. a carton of 5. a box of 10. a tub of PART THREE : WRITING A. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. (10 ms) 1. Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people. Some people are 2. We will not see each other again before I go. This will be the last time 3. He was looking forward to going home again. He couldn't 4. She did not shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy. Not 5. Those terrapins which survive their first year may live to be twenty. Should 6. "It's true," said Norman, " I murdered Alan." Norman confessed to 7. Both of the lifts were out of order. Neither 8. I thought that Martin's last novel was more interesting. Martin's latest novel
  4. 9. The number of people killed in industrial accidents this year is now fifteen. Already this year 10. Whatever the methods used to obtain the result, drugs were definitely not involved. There was no question B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. The word cannot be changed in any way. (10 ms) 1. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. TERMS 2. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. RED-HANDED 3. Helen took the baby's hand. THE 4. I'll never be able to look at Tom's face again. LOOK TOM 5. The rain was coming down in torrents. CATS 6. Pandas need a special diet, without it they perish. PROVIDED 7. No one agrees with me. OPINION 8. Organic vegetables are said to be very health. WONDERS 9. No smoking on the underground. BAN 10. Mass tourism has been one of the causes of the problems. BLAME С Use your imagination and creativity to complete the sentences to express your arguments. Each transition signal begins only ONE single sentence. (10 ms) 1. There are many reasons why I love One reason is Another What is more, Above all, 2. As a student specialised in the English language, I am often asked what is the best On the one hand, On the other hand, Personally, though, All in all, The End