Lesson Plan - Grade 11 - Period 59, Unit 10: Nature in danger Reading

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  1. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Date: January 16th, 2011 Period 59 Unit 10 NATURE IN DANGER Lesson READING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - deduce the meaning of some words in certain context. - express their own ideas about nature in danger and endangered animals. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: - New words: pollutant, decrease, extinct, interference, endangered . . . III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook . . . . IV. Procedures: Students Stages/ ’ Teacher’s Activities Time Activitie s Picture Description Warm – up -T asks Ss to close their books. T  Ss (5 minutes) -T introduces new lesson by using pictures. -T asks Ss to look at some pictures (prepared beforehand) and answer the questions: 1. What animals can you see in these pictures? 2. Where do these animals often live? 3. What would happen if their habitats were destroyed? -T lets Ss to answer the questions invdividually. S -T goes around the class and observes. * Expected answers: T  Ss 1. It’s a tiger / am elephant / a bear / a lion. 2. They often live in the forests, zoos, or National parks. 3. If their habitats were destroyed, animals would die, the environment would be polluted, nature would be in danger. -T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the facts about endangered species and discuss the questions in the textbooks. Pre – -T moves around the class and gives help. reading -T encourage Ss to add more facts. T  Ss * Expected answers: 1. The facts above show that the numbers of some wild or rare animals such as cheetahs, pandas and Siberian tigers become small or extinct. (10 2. The numbers of these animals become small because they are killed for food, minutes) medicines, fur or skin. -T elicits or pre-teaches some new words. Vocabulary Pre-teach + pollutant (n) T  Ss + decrease (v) ≠ increase (v) + extinct (adj) + interference (n) + endangered (adj) Task 1 – Gap – filling -T asks Ss to work in pairs and do Task 1. -T asks Ss to go back to the passage and find the correct answers. S  S -T tells Ss to compare their answers with each other. -T calls on some Ss to present and explain their answers in front of the class. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answers: T  Ss 1. extinct 2. protect 3. decrease 4. pollutants 5. endangered 6. interferences Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  2. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 While – Task 2 – Multiple Choice reading -T asks Ss to work in pairs and do Task 2. S  S -T asks Ss to go back to the passage and find the correct answers. -T tells Ss to compare their answers with each other. (10 -T calls on some Ss to present and explain their answers in front of the class. minutes) -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answer: T  Ss 1 – C; 2 – B; 3 – A; 4 – C Task 3 – Questions and Answers (10 -T has Ss work in pairs to do Task 3. minutes) -T gives Ss time to read the whole passage. S  S -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. -T calls on some pairs to act out the activity in front of the class. -T comments and gives the suggested answers. * Expected answer: T  Ss 1. The four ways that human beings are changing the world are: + They are changing the environment by building cities and villages. + They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture. + They are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from automobiles motors. (To be continued) Post – Speaking reading -T asks Ss to work in groups of four and try to find some reasons why some animals have become extinct. Ss  Ss (8 minutes) -T goes around to control and gives help to Ss. -T calls on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class. T  Ss -T gives feedback. Homework -T asks Ss to write about endangered animals. -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart and prepare SPEAKING for the T  Ss (2 minutes) next period. Date: January 17th, 2011 Period 60 Unit 10(cont.) NATURE IN DANGER Lesson SPEAKING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - talk about endangered nature - express their own ideas about measures for protecting endangered nature. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: - New words: III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Tim Students’ Teacher’s Activities e Activities Warm – up Game – Hot seat -T divides the class into two groups. One person from each group come to the T  Ss (5minutes) front of the class, facing their back to the board. T writes word by word on the board. The other Ss of the group explain the word without saying the exact word Ss  Ss on the board. The group that can say out the right word first will win the game. * List of words: environment, industry, pollutant, cutting trees, building cities. S Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  3. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 -T goes around the class to control the game -T gives feedback and declares the winner. T  Ss -T leads in the new lesson. Pre – Task 1 – Putting the reasons in the order of importance speaking -T requires Ss to work in pairs to say out their ideas about some reasons why S  S nature is threatened. + What do you think is the most importance reason? S (8 minutes) (In my opinion, the most important reason is . . . ) -T hangs on a chart with possible reasons why why nature is threatened. Then T asks to work in groups to put them in the order of the importance. Ss  Ss -T moves around the class to help Ss. -T calls on Ss to tell their ideas in front of the class. Pre-teaching vocabulary + cultivation (n) T  Ss + discharge (v): release + discourage (v) ≠ encourage (v) + capture (v) While – Task 2 – Matching speaking -T hangs on chart with possible measures for protecting endangered nature which are prepared beforehand. -T ask Ss to work in groups and in turn come to the board, matching the reasons Ss  Ss (18 in Task 1 with possible measures for protecting endangered nature. minutes) -T checks the matching if they are suitable. -T asks Ss to work in pairs. One S says the reason, the other says the suitable measures. S  S Exmaple: S1: People are cutting down a lot of trees in the forests for wood. S2: Laws should be introduced to stop people from cutting trees for wood. -T moves around to control and give help if necessary. -T gives feedback. Post – Task 3 – Making conversations speaking -T asks Ss to state the negative impacts made by peole on the environment and suggest measures to protect it, using the passive voice of “should” to combine the S  S (12 ideas in Task 1 and Task 2. minutes) -T models the conversation with a good S. Sample conversation: T: Do you know these days people are cutting down a lot of trees T  Ss in the forests for wood. S: Yes, I do / Oh, really? I think laws should be introduced to stop people from cutting trees for wood. T: You’re right. And planting trees should be encouraged. S: Yeah . . . S  S -T gets Ss to do to the same. -T moves around to control and helps Ss. T  Ss -T gives feedback. Homework -T asks Ss to search the Internet to find out some more information about endangered animals. T  Ss (2 minutes) -T has Ss prepare LISTENING for the next period. Date: January 20th, 2011 Period 61 Unit 10(cont.) NATURE IN DANGER Lesson LISTENING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - listen and understand the general ideas. Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  4. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 - pick up the specific ideas. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook, board . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Tim Students’ Teacher’s Activities e Activities Warm – up -T shows Ss the picture of a park and asks Ss some questions: 1. What is the picture about? Is it a forest or a national park? (3minutes) 2. What can you see in this picture? T  Ss 3. Why do governments set up these places? -T lets Ss to look at the picture carefully and answer the questions. -T checks their answers and gives feedback. * Expected answers: 1. It is about a national park. 2. We can see trees, plants and animals. 3. They set up national parks to protect and save endangered animals. -T lead in the new lesson. Pre – -T asks Ss to work in pairs and name some national parks in Vietnam. listening * Expected answers: T  Ss Cuc Phuong / Cat Ba / Bach Ma / Phong Nha / Cat Tien / Ba Be National Park . . . T: Which national park is in Lam Dong province? (8 minutes) S: Cat Tien national park. Pre-teaching vocabulary -T elicits some new words from Ss before letting them listen to the recording. + scenic feature (n) + devastating (adj): causing a lot of damage + approximately (adv): nearly or about T  Ss + vehicles (n) + maintenance (n): keeping something in good condition -T helps Ss to understand the meaning of the above words. -T lets the whole class pronoun these new words. While- Task 1 – True / False Statements listening -T asks Ss to work individually and listen to the text. -T plays the tape more than once if necessary. S (12 -T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners. minutes) -T invites some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. -T goes over the answers with the whole class. S  S -T gives feedback and correct answers * Expected answers: 1. T T  Ss 2. T 3. F  Many national parks are in danger of being destroyed. 4. T 5. T (12 Task 2 – Questions and Answers minutes) -T asks Ss to work individually to listen to the tape again. S -T plays the tape again and asks Ss to do Task 2. -T plays the tape several times if necessary. S  S -T lets Ss discuss the answers with a partner. -T comments and gives correct answers. * Expected answers: T  Ss 1. There are 52 national parks in the United States. 2. Millions of peole visit natinonal parks every year. 3. Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin, or other parts. Trees are cut down for wood. Large areas of national parks experience devastating fires Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  5. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 caused by careless people. The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles. 4. Rare animals and trees should be protected, fires caused by careless people should be limited, polution from visitors’ vehicles should be decreased and money should be raised for the parks’ staff and maintenance of their resources. Post- Discussion listening -T asks Ss to work in groups of four to discuss the questions. A secretary from each group will note down Ss’ ideas. (8 minutes) * Suggested questions: Ss  Ss 1. What is there in the National Park? 2. Have you ever visited a national park in our country? or Have you ever seen a national park in Vietnam on TV? 3. Does it have the same problems as other national parks? 4. What should we do to protect our national parks and what shouldn’t we do to destroy them? -T goes around the class and helps Ss in their speaking. S  Ss -T has some Ss present their ideas in front of the class. -T asks for comments from other Ss. -T gives out his remarks on Ss’s presentation. T  Ss Homework -T asks Ss to rewrite the summary of the listening passage into their notebooks. (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. T  Ss Date: January 24th, 2011 Period 62 Unit 10(cont.) NATURE IN DANGER Lesson WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - understand the information about Cat Ba National Park. - write a description of a location. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: an extra board, textbook, poster and handouts . . . IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities Game – Guessing game Warm-up -T shows the back side of a picture of a National Park to the Ss. T gives some T  Ss information about the picture: (5 minutes) + It has a lot of tropical forests, beautiful landscapes, rare animals. T  Ss + It is in the north – east of Vietnam. + It is on an island 20 km east of Hai Phong. * Expected answer: It is Cat Ba National Park -T leads in the new lesson. Pre-writing Pre – teaching vocabulary -T elicits some new words related to the topic from Ss. T Ss + coastal waters (n) + abundant (adj): plentiful, more than enough + Ha = hectare (10 minutes) + stone tool (n): things made of stone + human bone (n) Questions and anwers -T asks Ss to work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer about Cat Ba National S S Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  6. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Park, using the information in the textbook. + Where is Cat Ba National Park? + Where is it located? + What are the special features of Cat Ba National Park? + How large is it? + What do you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba National Park? + What are some of the historic features of the Park? -T moves around the class to give help and do correction. While-writing Writing a description of a location -T asks Ss to work individually, using the facts and figures in the textbooks S (20 minutes) about Cat Ba National Park. -T goes around the class and gives help where needed. T  Ss Correction -T asks Ss to swap their papers and do the correction. S -T gets some Ss to read aloud their writings. -T gives feedback. Post- writing Groupwork – Speaking -T asks Ss to work in groups of four to talk about the National Park they have Ss  Ss (8 minutes) ever visited. -T asks Ss to use the useful languages they have studied in the lesson. -T moves around the class and gives help to Ss. S  Ss -T calls on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class. -T collects remarks from other Ss. T  Ss -T gives feedback. Homework -T asks Ss to write a description of a National Park in Vietnam or in the world. -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. T  Ss (2 minutes) Date: January 25th, 2011 Period 63 Unit 10(cont.) NATURE IN DANGER Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds / sl /, / sm /, / sn / and / sw / - understand the use of Relative Pronouns with prepositions. - write the sentences with Relative Pronouns with prepositions. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: as above - New words: III. Teaching Aids: Textbooks, poster, pictures . . . IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities Warm-up -T asks to work in pairs to make sentences from jumbled words. S  S a. a / swims / lake / often / in / snow / small. (4minutes) b. loudly / can’t / he / that / the / sleep / snores / baby / so. -T asks Ss to write the sentences on the board. S * Expected answers: a. Snow often swims in a small lake. b. He snores so loudly that the baby can’t sleep. -T asks Ss to notice the sounds in the two sentences and leads in the the new T  Ss lesson. Pro- Activity 1 – Listen and repeat Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
  7. Lesson Plan – Grade 11 nunciation -T demonstrates the sounds / sl /, / sm /, / sn / and / sw / by pronouncing T  Ss them exactly and clearly. -T instructs the ways to pronounce the sounds. (7 minutes) -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times. -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the sounds. Activity 2 – Practise these sentences T  Ss -T plays the tape and asks them to repeat. -T calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly. S -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. -T introduces peer correction. Ss  Ss -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. Grammar Relative Pronouns with prepositions -T elicits the use of relative pronouns T  Ss (8 minutes) A relative pronoun can be the object of a preposition. In formal English we can put the preposition before whom or which. We cannot leave out whom or which here. -T writes some pairs of sentences on the board and asks Ss to work S individually to combine these two sentences into one. -T calls on some Ss to present their writing on the board. -T remarks and corrects any mistakes. T  Ss * Suggested sentences: 1. The man to whom Tom is talking is his teacher [= The man (whom) Tom is talking to is his teacher]. 2. I’ll introduce you to the man with whom I share a flat [=I’ll introduce you to the man (whom) I share a flat with]. 3. This is the magazine about which I talked yesterday [= This is the magazine (that / which) I talk yesterday about]. Activity 1 – Choosing the correct relative pronouns (8 minutes) -T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually, using relative clauses. S -T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners. S  S -T calls on some Ss to read aloud the sentences. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answers: T  Ss 1. whom 2. which 3. whom 4. who 5. that 6. whom 7. which Activity 2 – Sentence Combination (8 minutes) -T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually. S -T goes around and gives helps to Ss. -T asks Ss to compare their results with others. S  S -T gives feeback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. The man to whom I talk yesterday was very kind. 2. The man about whom I told you works in the hospital. T  Ss 3. The woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English. (To be continued) Activity 3 – Gap-filling (7 minutes) -T gets Ss to do Exercise 3 individually. S -T goes around and gives helps to Ss. -T asks Ss to compare their results with others. S  S -T gives feeback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. that 2. which 3. who / that 4. whom 5. which/ that 6. which 7. who / that 8. whom T  Ss Homework - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises. T  Ss (2 minutes) - T asks Ss to prepare UNIT 11 Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao