Đề cương môn Tiếng an Lớp 8 giữa học kì I - Năm học 2023-2024

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Nội dung text: Đề cương môn Tiếng an Lớp 8 giữa học kì I - Năm học 2023-2024

  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG MÔN TIẾNG ANH 8 GIỮA KỲ I NĂM HỌC 2023- 2024 Unit 1: Leisure Time - Verbs of liking + gerunds - Verbs of liking + to infinitives - Reading for general and special information about the possible effects of spending tô much time on the computer - Listening for the special information about ways of spending time with friends - Talking about goos and bad sides of leisure activities - Write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities Unit 2: Life in the countryside - Comparative forms of adjectives: review - Comparative forms of adverbs - Reading for special information about an unsual lifestyle in the countryside: Mogolian nomadic life - Listening for special information about changes in the countryside - Talking about what you like and dislike about life in the countryside - Writing about the changes in the countryside Unit 3: Teenagers - Simple sentences and compound sentences - Reading for special information about school club activities - Listening for special information about teen stress - Talking about school clubs UNIT 1 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. neighbor B. cough C. although D. drought 2. A. entertain B. rain C. air D. strain 3. A. try B. facility C. typhoon D. supply 4. A. supermarket B. ruler C. pollution D. urban 5. A. nature B. migrant C. facility D. away II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. 1. A. nomadic B. generous C. colourful D.countryside 2. A. popular B. calculus C. beehive D. disturb 3. A. harvest B. collect C. peaceful D. whisper 4. A. charade B. transport C. expect D.paddy 5. A.opportunity B.inconvenient C. facility D. optimistic III. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. How much time do you spend ___ TV every day? A. watchB. to watchC. watchingD. in watching 2. I’d hate ___ the exams, so I’m doing my best. A. failingB. to failC. failD. failed 3. I always enjoy ___ to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories. A. to talkB. to talking C. talkingD. talk 4. Could you help me ___ the kitchen? It’s a real mess! A. tidyB. tidiedC. tidyingD. with tidying 5. Steven dislikes ___, so he usually takes a bus to work. A. to driveB. to be driven C. be drivenD. driving 6. Jane prefers ___ music than to listen to it. A. playingB. playC. to playD. played 7. Marlene can’t wait ___ to the beach again. A. to goB. goingC. for goingD. go 8. I really regret ___ this computer – it’suseless. A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. for buying 9. Your child needs ___some weight. Tell him ___ less junk food and more exercise. A. to lose – eat B. to lose - to eatC. losing - to eatD. losing - eat 1
  2. 10. I would love ___ to your party! Thank you for inviting me. A. comeB. comingC. to comeD. came IV. Complete the sentences with the to-infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I have enjoyed (meet) ___ you. Hope (see) ___ you again soon. 2. My father is not keen on coffee. He prefers (drink)___tea. 3. I am a little busy. Would you mind (wait) ___ a little longer? 4. Mobile games are great, but I don’t like (play) ___ them for too long. 5. If I can choose, I prefer (stay) ___ at home to (play) ___ sport. 6. Tonight I’d like (go) ___ out, but I have to do my homework. 7. Sue loves (make) ___ origami. She can fold some animals, birds and flowers. 8. I detested (spend) ___ two hours every day travelling to work and back. 9. He started (surf) ___ the net hours ago. Has he stopped ___ (surf) yet? 10. I tried hard (concentrate) ___, but my mind kept (wander) ___. 11. Vietnamese students love (go) ___ picnic at the weekend. 12. I dislike (spend) ___ all day on (go) ___ fishing. 13. People in Britain love (drink) ___ tea with milk. 14. Do you like (listen) ___ to music. 15. Does Anna fancy (watch) ___ horrible movies. 16. I prefer (make) ___ paper flowers to (draw) ___ a picture. 17. Kate loves (hang out) ___ with her friends on her birthday. 18. I detest (eat) ___ fish. 19. Do you mind (turn) ___ off the TV? 20. Does she adore (work) ___ with handicapped students? 21. They hate( see) ___ their son messaging his friends all day. 22. Do you fancy (skateboard) ___ in the park this Sunday? V. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. At present, the social networks (become) ___ more popular among young generation. 2. I (not listen) ___ to their new CD yet. Is it any good? 3. When I was a student, I (not like) ___ doing homework. 4. Facebook (found) ___ in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. 5. The American (spend) ___ hours a week watching television. 6. (you/ ever/ make) ___ origami cranes? 7. I’ve just bought a new CD of folk songs. I (listen) ___ to it tonight. 8. Do you adore (lie) ___ in a hot bath? 9. Please try (arrive) ___ punctually at 8.30. 10. Many teenagers prefer (watch) ___ TV to (read) ___ books. 11. I (do) ___an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) ___that I (know) ___ how to use it now. 12. My mother sometimes (buy) ___ vegetables at this market. 13. It (be) ___ very cold now. 14. It (rain) ___ much in summer. It (rain) ___ now. 15. Daisy (cook) ___ some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) ___in the morning. VI. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. models by through origami together upstream folding taught Origami is the Japanese word for paper (1). ORI means to fold and KAMI means paper.(2) , they form the word, “origami.” It is an art form that has been handed down from parent to child (3) many generations. Origami involves the creation of paper forms usually entirely (4) folding. Animals, birds, fish, geometric shapes, puppets, toys and masks are among the (5) that even very young children can learn to make in just one sitting. In Japan, at one time origami was (6) in schools but today, children are generally taught origami at home. Holidays are celebrated with colorful (7) decorations made by the 2
  3. family. On children’s day (formerly boy’s day), children make colorful carp: a fish that swims (8) , against the current. This symbolizes strength. VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Leisure in Britain The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)___ voluntary work, especially for charities. People spend a lot of their free time in the home, where the (2) ___ popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often (3)___ programs on video so that they can watch later, and video recorders are also used (4)___ watching videos hired from a video rental shop. Reading is also a favourite way of spending leisure time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines. In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, (5)___ people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after; taking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine. The extra leisure time (6) ___ at weekends means that some leisure activities, many of them to do with sport, normally (7)___ place only then. Traditional spectator sports include football, cricket, horse racing, motor racing and motor cycle racing. Popular forms of (8)___ are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller skating, cycling, climbing, and hill or country walking. Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a (9)___ to a local event such as a festival, fair or show. Young people especially go to clubs and discos, while people of all (10) ___ go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts. 1. A. make B. do C. play D. go 2. A. many B. more C. much D. most 3. A. record B. scan C. print D. power 4. A. with B. for C. on D. about 5. A. what B. why C. when D. while 6. A. available B. probable C. abundant D. exclusive 7. A. drag B. bring C. carry D. take 8. A. strength B. exercise C. athletics D. presentation 9. A. voyage B. journey C. visit D. road 10. A. ages B. numbers C. years D. groups VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence 1. Vinh really loves to hang out with friends. Vinh really enjoys ___ 2. Building doll houses is very interesting. It is ___ 3. It is not a good idea to spend too much time on computer games. It's better to avoid ___ 4. My parents insist me on learning something interesting. My parents wants ___ 5. Jenny finds cooking boring. Jenny dislikes ___ 6. Going fishing in the rural areas is really enjoyable. I really enjoy ___ 7. He was into surfing the Net, but now he isn’t. He used to ___ 8. Why don’t we take a break and relax for a while? Let’s ___ 9. I find collecting birthday cards interesting. I’m interested in ___ 10. She likes messaging friends more than watching TV. She prefers messaging ___ IX. Write sentences with the cues given. 3
  4. 1. Mai/ usually/ listen/ K-pop music/ free time. ___ 2. when/ I/ be/ a child/ I/ enjoy/ build/ doll houses. ___ 3. my father/ spend/ most/ leisure time/ look after/ the garden. ___ 4. watching TV/ most/ popular/ leisure activity/ Britain? ___ 5. she/ be / fond/ the medical drama/ after/ watch/ the first episode. ___ UNIT 2 I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. messageB. havestC. shortageD. decide 2. A. paperB. entertainmentC. completeD. again 3. A. bringB. chickC. courageD. around 4. A. motherB. famousC. accidentD. zebra 5. A. comedyB. princessC. cinemaD. letter 6. A. sofa B. cottageC. damageD. return 7. A. ancientB. cultivateC. surroundD. hospitable 8. A. canalB. scenery C. ferry D. build 9. A. enjoyableB. paddy C. prettyD. garden 10. A. visitorB. busyC. activityD. gather II. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. I went on a trip to the countryside and had my first experience ___ farm work. A. onB. withC. forD. of 2. We usually spend our holiday in the village ___ our grandparents live. A. whatB. whereC. whichD. when 3. I think country life is so boring and ___ because you’re not close to shops and services. A. unhealthyB. inconvenient C. comfortableD. peaceful 4. On the farm, uncle Duong showed us how to ___ cucumbers. A. ploughB. produceC. pickD. put up 5. On the side of the road, a herd boy was herding ___. A. kitesB. dogsC. cattleD. poultry 6. Mongolian children learn to ride when they are ___ as three years old. A. as youngB. youngerC. younger thanD. so young 7. Countryside is not polluted ___ you can breathe there fresh air. A. althoughB. howeverC. thereforeD. as 8. ‘Children in my village often fly their kites in the paddy fields.’ ‘___’ A. I’m glad you like it C. How interesting B. That’s awesome. D. Exactly what I want. 9. ___ field is a field planted with rice growing in water. A. Paddy B. Grass C. GrainD. Good 10. After harvesting rice, the farmers often ___ it in the sunlight. A. collect B. water C. dryD. pick III. Write the correct form of the word in brackets. 1.He spent an ___ afternoon at the park. ( ENJOY) 2.It is their ___ to give thanks before they start eating. (TRADITIONAL) 3.It was a great ___ to have the doctor living near us. (CONVENIENT) 4.The ___ were very hospitable to anyone who passed through. (VILLAGE) 5.I slept very ___ last night - the bed was really comfortable. (SOUND) 6.People in my country are very open and ___. I like to go there when I have free time. (FRIEND) 7.Some of my ___live in the countryside (RELATE) 8.Some people say that the country is more ___ for the people who are retired. (SUIT) 9.She ___ ran down the stairs to greet her cousins. (EXCITE) 10. He is very ___with his hands. (SKILL) 4
  5. 11. It is said that water collected from the local streams is___to drink. (SAFE) 12. My brother has been a stamp ___for several years. (COLLECT) 13. Encouraging children to eat and drink ___ is very important. (HEALTH) 14. Iceland is considered the most ___country in the world. (PEACE) 15. Please give ___ to that charity to help the homeless after the flood. (GENEROUS) 16. The baby slept very ___ because the bed was really comfortable. (SOUND) 17. Local people in the village often wear their ___costumer during the festivals. (TRADITION) 18. He was the man who invented the combine ___. (HARVEST) 19. The local people are very ___ to strangers. (HOSPITABLY) 20. Visually the house is very pleasing, but it’s ___. (COMFORT) 21. The trip was an ___experience. We enjoyed it very much! (FORGET) 22. In the countryside, the streets are not as crowded and ___as in big cities. (NOISE) 23. The house is ___ by a lot of trees. ( SURROUND) 24. She has a ___amount of knowledge on his subject. (VASTLY) 25. It usually rains ___in Central Viet Nam than in other regions. (HEAVY) IV. Provide the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets: 1. We (play) ___traditional games like bamboo dancing and dragon-snake last week. 1. Could you meet me at the airport tomorrow? My flight ___ (arrive) at six. 2. Last summer, my friends and I ___ (spend) our holiday on a farm. 3. Nick ___(not ride) a horse before. 4. My father (pick) ___ apples in the orchard now. 5. My family ___ (live) in a small town for ten years before moving to Boston. 6. Country life ___ (not excite) me at all. It’s so boring. 7. Nick would like ___ (visit) the countryside at the harvest time. 8. I don’t mind ___ (drive) for 1.5 hours on the weekend to get out to the countryside. 9. I am helping my parents( pick) ___ fruit in the orchard. 10. My father is busy (feed) ___the pigs right now. V. Choose the word or the phrase among A,B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. The country and the city have advantages and (1) ___. People in the country live in more beautiful surroundings. They enjoy (2) ___ and quietness, and can do their work at their (3) pace because no one is in a (4)___ . They live in larger, more comfortable houses,and their neighbors are more friendly, and ready to help them (5) ___ they need it. Their life, however, can be (6) ___ and they may be isolated, which is a serious problem (7)___ they are ill or want to take children to school. The city has all the services that the country lacks, but it (8) has a lot of disadvantages. Cities are often polluted. They not (9) have polluted air but also have noisy streets. Everyone is always in a hurry and this (10) that people have no time to get to know each other and make friends. 1. A. joyB.enjoymentC.happinessD.disadvantages 2. A.quietB.quietlyC.peaceD.peaceful 3. A. less B. ownC.just D. only 4. A. hurry B. hurriedC.hurriedly D. hurrying 5. A. When B. whichC.what D. that 6. A. bore B. boredC.boring D. bores 7. A. unlessB. becauseC. althoughD. if 8. A. alsoB. yetC. alreadyD. so 9. A. neverB. everC. hardlyD. only 10. A. aimsB. meansC. asksD. said VI. Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs given in the brackets. 1. I am a faster worker than Tom is. (fast) I work ___ 2. Jack’s car cannot run as fast as Tom’s car. (faster) 5
  6. Tom’s car can run ___ . 3. Mai’s singing is more beautiful than Mi’s. (beautifully) Mai sing ___ . 4. I can’t cook as well as my mohter . My mother can cook ___ . 5 . Phong is a faster swimmer than Phuc. (fast) Phong swims ___ . UNIT 3 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. furiousB. obscureC. toiletD. secure 2. A. pictureB. pureC. endureD. doer 3. A. destroy B. boilC. employeeD. Europe 4. A. culture B. manure C. future D. nature 5. A. secureB. assureC. leisureD. duration 6. A. endure B. pasture C. adventure D. measure 7. A. sewer B. truer C. bluer D. teacher 8. A. door B. boor C. moor D. poor 9. A. sureB. furiousC. bureauD. pure 10. A. boilB. oilC. spoilD. other II. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others. 1.A. update B. forum C. leader D. essay 2.A. stressful B. midterm C. account D. pressure 3.A. interest B. curious C. concentrate D. parental 4.A. tolerant B. community C. instrument D. talkative 5.A. teenager B. sensitive C. tournament D. competition 6.A. enjoyable B. activity C. different D. participate 7.A. notification B. instagram C. communication D. environmental 8.A. common B. problem C. project D. connect 9.A. schoolwork B. however C. discuss D. avoid 10.A. social B. bully C. ensure D. freedom 11.A. mediaB. practical C. serviceD. upload 12. A. together B. decideC. contactD. prefer 13. A. guitaristB. messengerC. improveD. mature 14.A. creativeB. awesome C. usualD. suitable 15.A. focusB. thereforeC. otherwiseD. relax III. Complete the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. The most interesting thing is to stay___, give yourself time to think and ask your parents for advice. A. tense B. calm C. in shape D. embarrassed 2. ___ is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness. A. happiness B. shynessC. stress D. freedom 3. How are we supposed to ___ negative feelings that keep coming up when we’re stress of hurt? A. deal withB. concentrate on C. connect with D. show off 4. At the weekend, we participate in ___ to share the essays and stories that we write in English. A. forumB. chess clubC. sports club D. language club 5. It’s so noisy that I can’t ___ my homework. A. join inB. cheat onC. stay focused D. provide with 6. Teenagers have ___ from their exams, peers and parents. This makes them feel very stressed. A. friendsB. pressure C. relative D. interests 7. She likes to wear short skirt to show ___ her legs. A. outB. inC. off D. up 8. “How are you feeling now?” - “ ___” A. Confident and tired C. Sensitive and happy B. Tired and stressed D. Disappointed and enjoyable 9. I often ___to my facebook account to connect and chat with my parents and friends. 6
  7. A. uploadB. log on C. checkD. browse 10. This website is ___, making it easier for people to find and order products. A. inconvenientB. useless C. user-friendly D. difficult IV. Write the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. John cannot make a ___to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car. ( DECIDE) 2. English is the language of ___. ( COMMUNICATE) 3. He failed the final exam because he didn’t make any ___ for it.( PREPARE) 4. Exams can be a ___ time for any students. ( STRESS ) 5. He needs to ensure that all new teachers can really teach and are trained in the ___skills the job demands. ( PRACTICE) 6. For me, it was one of the most ___ experiences of the festival. ( ENJOY) 7. ___ pressure is the emotional stress parents tend to put on their children and is often related to academic success, cultural and social standards, and other factors. ( PARENT) 8. He gave me an ___ look and left without speaking. ( ANNOY) 9. His parents tried to discourage his ___ in music, but he persisted. (INTERESTED) 10. He has little ___of passing the exam. ( EXPECT) 11. Warm clothes are ___ for hot weather. (SUIT) 12. Would you like to ___in community service project next week? (PARTICIPATION) 13. In order to use this ___, you need to register an account. (SERVE) 14. The teacher showed no ___ for the student’s rude behavior (TOLERANT) 15. There are many participant in this ___. ( COMPETE) V. Read the following passage and choose the best answer Teenagers having exams may feel stressed for different reasons. Their future may depend on their exam results. And many of them will probably be afraid that their performances will not be as good as their friends' and may feel worried about being (1) ___ negatively to them. They may feel so (2) ___ by the amount of studying which they need to do. To obtain a good result, they may have to give up (3) ___ such as doing sports and listening to music. Teenagers (4) ___ leisure activities suffer from exam stress may show a variety of symptoms including loss of appetite, being unable to sleep and a lack of motivation to study. (5) ___ it is important for teachers and parents to watch out for these signs and to be as supportive and encouraging as possible. 1.A. agreedB. suggestedC. closedD. compared 2.A. exhaustedB. excitedC. relaxedD. embarrassed 3.A. everyB. manyC. eachD. much 4.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. who 5.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. AlthoughD. Moreover VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Social media have become an integral part in the lives of many teenagers nowadays. Social media platforms such as Facebook. Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat have become a popular way for teens to (1) ___ and share their experiences (2) ___ their friends. With just a few taps on their smartphones, they can (3) ___ photos and videos, comment on posts, and like or follow others. (4) ___ social media can be fun and exciting, they can also have negative effects on teenagers' mental health. Constantly comparing oneself to others on social media can lead to feelings of jealousy and low self-esteem. Additionally, cyberbullying is also a persistent problem. Therefore, it is essential for teens to use social media carefully and in moderation. It's important for parents and caregivers to support teens in developing healthy social media habits. This can be done by talking openly and honestly about social media use and setting rules around screen time. Teaching teens how to balance their online activities with offline (5) ___ such as exercise, reading, and spending time with family and friends. Moreover, parents can model positive behaviours by limiting their own social media use and showing interest in their teens' offline activities and hobbies. 1. A. sayB. talkC. connectD. check 2.A. forB. about C. withD. to 3. A. uploadB. browseC. log onD. check 7
  8. 4.A. whenB. becauseC. althoughD. in spite of 5. 5. A. eventsB. expectationsC. dreamD. interests VII. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning. Use the words in brackets. 11. Young children are advised to participate in community activities to improve their social skills. (take) Young children are advised to ___. 12. Although he has been a member of English club for three years, he can’t speak English fluently. (but) He ___. 13. It is not a good idea to spend too much time on social networking sites. (avoid) It's better to ___. 14. Messi is really interested in playing chess when he feels stressed. (interest) Messi has ___. 15. We joined community activities so that we could help the needy last summer. (for) We joined ___. 16. If you don’t prepare your lessons carefully, you will not pass the midterm tests. (otherwise) You should ___. 17. At this age, we concentrate on the children’s reading and writing skills. ( stay) At this age, we ___. 18. I can’t log on to my facebook account because my wi-fi is too slow. ( therefore) My wi-fi is ___. 19. You mustn’t cheat on exams; otherwise, you will be punished by your teacher. ( or) You mustn’t ___. 20. Jack is a big bully and scares his weaker classmates even though he is smart and hard-working. ( however) Jack is ___. 8