Đề cương ôn thi tổng hợp vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn thi tổng hợp vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh

  1. ÔN THI TỔNG HỢP VÀO 10 TỔNG HỢP 1 ĐUÔI 1. A. moaned B. presented C. viewed D. robbed 2. A. ruined B. crowded C. admired D. strolled 3. A. reserved B. locked C. forced D. touched 4. A. laughed B. cleaned C. brushed D. stopped 5. A. showered B. linked C. concerned D. belonged 6. A. needed B. afforded C. advanced D. invented 7. A. loved B. appeared C. agreed D. coughed 8. A. looked B. laughed C. decided D. experienced 9. A. concerned B. rained C. developed D. maintained 10. A. involved B. organized C. impressed D. carried CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN 1. If the earth stopped spinning, we all (fly) . . off it. 2. Your parents (be) . proud if they could see you now. 3. If he were ten years younger, he (take) part in the voyage around the world. 4. If you come early, they (let) you in. 5. He couldn’t get rid of his cough if he (smoke) so much. 6. If someone gave you a boat what you (do) 7. I (warn) you if I had seen you last week. 8. He would say hello if he (see) . you. 9. What would you do if he (resign) tomorrow. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. “I’m going to Hanoi ”, he said He said 2. “I am living in Ho Chi Minh city ” Peter said . 3. “We are waiting for the bus”, said the children. The children said . 4. “I’m looking for my skates , Ann said” Ann said . 5. “I’m living with my parents now ”, she said She said . 6. “I am washing my car now ”, Peter said to me. Peter told . TỔNG HỢP 2 TRỌNG ÂM 1. A. answer B. follow C. accept D. struggle 2. A. sector B. porter C. labour D. guitar 3. A. result B. pressure C. morning D. listen 1
  2. 4. A. protect B. depend C. enjoy D. travel 5. A. complete B. healthy C. village D. formal 6. A. forget B. follow C. relax D. suggest 7. A. butcher B. problem C. destroy D. system 8. A. explain B. become C. listen D. improve 9. A. narrow B. enter C. approach D. promise 10. A. protect B. belong C. alarm D. promise CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN & CÂU ƯỚC 1. If I had a lot of money now, I a new car. a. will buy b. would buy c. bought d. would have bought 2. If I you, I would do that. a. am b. were c. was d. had been 3. if I were offered the job, I think I . it. a. take b. will take c. would take d. would have taken. 4. I would be very surprised if he a. refuses b. refused c. had refused d. would refuse. 5. Many people would be out of work if that factory down. a. closes b. had closed c. closed d. would close. 6. If she sold her car, she much money. a. gets b. would get c. will get d. would have got. 7. They would be disappointed if we . a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come. 8. Would John be angry if I . his bicycle without asking? a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take. 9. She .terrible upset if I lost (mất) this ring. a. will be b. would be c. were d. had been. 10. If someone in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. a. would walk b. walks c. had walked d. walked. 11. She wishes she (finish) her homework last night 12. I wish they ( come) .here last Sunday. 13. I wish they ( visit) .us last week 14. She wishes she ( spend) her holiday at the seaside last weekend. 15. I wish the weather (be not) .hot yesterday. VING & TO V 1. My parents decided a taxi because it was late. A) take B) to take C) taking D) took 2. We enjoy here and hearing all your news. A) be B) to be C) being D) is 3. Ask your friends about your homework. He would be able you. A) help B) helped C) helping D) to help 4. Do you agree me a hand? A) give B) to give C) giving D) given 5. Would you like to the cinema with us tomorrow evening? A) to come B) come C) coming D) came 6. When you see Tom, remember him my regards. 2
  3. A. give B. to give C. giving D. given 7. I hope that tiring work again. A. not do B. not to do C. not doing D. to not do 8. He always avoids me in the streets. A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting 9. My parents decided a taxi because it was late. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 10. Do you agree me some money? A. lend B. to lend C. lending D. lent 11. Tom refuses his address. A. give B. giving C. to give D. gave 12. The passengers asked her how to the police station? A. to get B. getting C. got D. get NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. They always think of the car. The car is produced from Japan. 2. He has forgot the book. It may have been on the table. 3. This is the pretty girl. The girl is 20 years old. 4. We have a cat and a dog. They are lovely. 5. Mary is the woman. She was chosen for the prize. 6. He lost his passport. It dropped somewhere on the way to the airport. 7. We are grateful to Mr. Quang. He helped us to finish our school. 8. This is the man. He lives next my door. 9. We have 2 children. They love watching cartoons. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. “Where are you going?” She asked me ___ 2. “What is your mother doing now?” She asked me ___ 3. “Why did you go out last night?” She asked me ___ 4. “When have you seen me ?” He asked me ___ 5. “How is your mother?” She asked me ___ 6. “What are you going to do at the weekend?” He asked me ___ 7. “Where will you live after graduation?” 3
  4. She asked me ___ 8. “How long have you lived here?” She asked me ___ 9. “Why did you come too late?” She asked him ___ 10. “How often do you go to the cinema?” She asked me ___ THÌ 1. As soon as Lan (buy) enough food for dinner, she (cook) it. 2. They (have) dinner together as soon as they (have) .a bath. 3. Before I (see) him here, We (talk) with each other several times. 4. I (feel) exhausted after I (wash) .my clothes. 5. He (hear) .about her many times before he (meet) her. 6. I (clean) my house before my husband (come) .home from work. 7. After they (go) to class, it (begin) to rain. 8. Before David (go) home last night, he (visit) the bookshop. 9. She (leave) . for Hanoi before we (arrive) 10. Before he (pay) . for the car, he (borrow) much money from the bank. PRACTICE TEST 2 I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused 2. A. enjoy B. happen C. destroy D. advise II. Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 3. Mary and Jane are talking about online learning. Mary: I think during the Covid-19 time, we should stay at home and learn online. Jane: ___ A. I disagree. B. I completely agree C. I’m not sure D. I don’t think that’s a good idea 4. Jane and Laura are talking about their learning English. Jane: “How often do you study English at school!” Laura: ___ A. Four times a week B. About 6 years C. I think it’s very long. D. Thanks, I don’t know. 5. My friends usually enjoy my ___ of humor. A. sense B. kind C. means D. form 6. Would you like to the party with us? A. come B. to come C. coming D. came 7. Do you know the man met our teacher yesterday? A. who B. whom C. which D. whose Read the passage and answer the questions. Every child in England must receive full time education from the age of five to sixteen. Many parents send their children to state schools where the tuition and the equipment, textbooks and exercise books are free. About 5% of children go to fee-paying school. Under the old system, children attended primary school (from five to eleven) which was followed by a secondary school course (from eleven to fifteen or over. At eleven every child had to sit for the eleven –plus examination. It consisted of tests in English, Arithmetic and intelligence tests. Those with the highest marks (about 20% of the children) went to grammar school. The others went to technical school. 4
  5. Questions: 8. When do English children start and finish their full time education? A. 5 to 15 B. 6 to 18 C. 5 to 16. D. 6 to 17 9. Which schools do many parents send their children to? A. primary school B. fee-paying school C. state schools D. secondary school 10. At state school, they have to buy textbooks and ___ . A. intelligence tests B. eleven –plus exam C. highest marks D. exercise books 11. The word “It” refers to___ . A. technical school B. grammar school C. primary school D. eleven –plus exam TỔNG HỢP 3 TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. danger b. marriage c. support d. friendly 2. a. never b. apple c. decide d. orange ĐUÔI 1. A. examined B. received C. serviced D. rained 2. A. expelled B. dismissed C. encountered D.returned 3. A. filled B. landed C. suited D. decided 4. A. chased B. wished C. pursued D. thanked 5. A. preferred B. worked C. fixed D.fetched THÌ 1. Look ! The birds ( fly ) . 2 . I ( go ) .to school by bus every day , but today I ( go ) to school by bike . 3 . Listen ! Mai ( sing ) . 4 . They ( play ) volleyball every afternoon . 5. They ( play ) volleyball now . 6 . Mai ( brush ) her teeth every morning . She ( brush ) her teeth now. 7 . Listen ! Lan ( play ) .the piano . 8 . Mai ( be ) .tired now . 9 . She ( have ) dinner with her family at six o` clock everyday. 10 . He (teach ) for 6 years. 11. He always ( watch ) T.V at night . 12 . Our teacher ( live ) on Quang Trung street . CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN 10. I wouldn’t have been so upset if Judy (write) to me earlier. 11. You can shout if you (see) anything unusually. 12. The engine started if you (turn) this key. 13. If he weren’t so bad-temperature, his wife (not leave) .him so soon after the marriage. 14. What you (say) .if I offered you a job. 15. The children always (get) .frightened if they watch horror films. 16. If it (not be) ___ for you, I would be late. 17. If there (not/be) ___ gravity on the earth, everything would be floated. 18. If I became a president, my first act (be) ___ to help the poor. 19. If he (listen) ___ to his father’s advice, he would still be working here. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. “I am coming up to London ”, Mary said to me. 5
  6. Mary told 2. “We are waiting for the bus ”. They told me 3. “I am bringing the book back tomorrow”, Mary said to Peter . Mary told Peter 4. Peter said “I’m having some fruits”. Peter said . 5. My father said to me: “I can lend 50 pounds now” My father told . CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG 1. They started a dancing class last week 2. Mr. Smith saw the accident. 3. Somebody has taken my briefcase. 4. The teacher returned our written work to us 5. She has finished the report by noon. PRACTICE TEST 3 I- Choose the best answer: 1. Doctors ___ an answer to AIDS yet. A. have found B. found C. haven't found D. hasn't found 2. Do you mind ___ up? A. wash B. washing C. washed D. to wash. 3. He ___ to give up smoking since last week. A. was trying B. have tried C. has tried D. tried. 4. He enjoys ___ in the rain. A. walk B. walks C. to walk D. walking. 5. Would you like ___ to my party? A. come B. to come C. coming D. came. 6. My sister likes ___ and ___. A. dance/sing B. to dance/sings C. dancing/singing D. dancing/to sing 7. This school ___ ten years ago. A. be built B. is built C. was built D. built 9. We spent half a year ___ this hotel. A. to build B. built C. building D. with building 10. My friend is fond of ___ TV in the evening. A. watching B. to watch C. watch D. watched 13. She is bored ___ getting up early. A. with B. of C. in D. to 14. I am not used ___ up early. A. get B. to get C. getting D. to getting 16. He drives very ___ and has got two accidents this year. A. careless B. carefully C. carelessly D. careful 19. He was surprised ___ her action. A. for B. with C. to D. at 6
  7. 20. He feels like ___ in a big city. A. live B. to live C. living D. lives 21. They are trying to look ___ new jobs. A. after B. at C. for D. forward 22. They are looking forward ___ Tet holiday. A. to have B. having C. to having D. have 23. He looked at me___. A. angry B. angrily C. anger D. angryly. 25. This is a store ___ you can buy almost everything from. A. which B. where C. what D. in which 26. It is in this house ___ he was born. A. where B. which C. that D. in which 27. He is the most intelligent student ___ I've ever taught at school. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 28. Uncle Ho was born ___ Kim Lien village. A. in B at C. from D. on 29 That man can tell us where ___. A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John living 30. When I saw him, he ___ a black suit. A. wore B. was wearing C. wearing D. wears 31. Your car is different ___ mine. A. to B. in C. from D. for 32. I found history very ___. A. amusing B. amused C. amuse D. to amuse 33. Her ___ include swimming and reading. A. interests B. interesting C. interested 35. English is the ___ language on one- fifth of the land area of the world. A. office B. official C. officer D. officially 38. There is a ___ difference between the north and the south. A. region B. regional C. regionally D. regioner 42. He used ___ next to me in class. A. to sit B. sit C. to sitting D. to sat III. Phonetics 49. A. fun B. museum C. hundred D. understand 50. A. teacher B. seat C. meat D. bear 51. A. fixed B. wallked C. mended D. laughed 52. A. still B. bike C. light D. sight 53. A. ticket B. forget C. remember D. accept IV. Identify the mistakes 54. Nam asked Mai what can he do to help her. A B C D 55. Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren't they? A B C D 56. If we would have a large garden, we would plant a lot of flowers in it. A B C D TỔNG HỢP 4 7
  8. ĐUÔI 1. A. stopped B. played C. packed D. parked 2. A. moved B. checked C. pushed D. stepped 3. A. decided B. moved C. carried D. believed 4. A. laughed B. sacrificed C. kicked D. explained 5. A. studied B. approved C. reminded D. returned 6. A. finished B. escaped C. damaged D. missed 7. A. finished B. played C. influenced D. helped 8. A. linked B. declared C. finished D. developed 9. A. approached B. sacrificed C. wrapped D. obliged 10. A. watched B. promoted C. invited D. decided TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. because b. method c. standard d. wooden 2. a. marry b. music c. across d. temper 3. a. retell b. thoughtful c. reply d. approach 4. a. very b. bamboo c. wedding d. sharing 5. a. healthy b. account c. alone d. accept 6. a. orbit b. fairy c. promise d. support 7. a. cover b. agree c. result d. response 8. a. prepare b. suppose c. decide d. finish 9. a. abroad b. noisy c. hundred d. whiten 10. a. passion b. idea c. along d. success CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN & CÂU ƯỚC 1. If I ___ her phone number, I could have phoned her last night. A. had known B. knew C. know D. would know 2. If he ___ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him. A. tells B. told C. had told D. would tell 3. If you pressed that button what ___? A. would happen B. would have happened C. will happen D. happen 4. If she had realized that the traffic lights were red she ___. A. would stop B. will stop C. stopped D. would have stopped 5. I am very thin. I think if I ___ smoking, I might get fat. A. stop B. had stopped C. will stop D. stopped 6. If I had discovered that yesterday, I ___ them. A. would inform B. will inform C. informed D. would have informed 7. If you ___ to the course regularly, they would have given a certificate last year. A. go B. will go C. had gone D. went 8. I think he is not at home. If he were in, he ___ the phone. A. answered B. would answer C. will answer D. would have answered 9. If I ___ in London now, I could visit British Museum. A. were B. had been C. have been D. would be 10. If Columbus ___ money from Queen Isabella, he might not have sailed across the Atlantic. A. do not receive B. had not received C. did not receive D. would not receive 11. I wish I (get) . good marks in English tomorrow. 12. I wish I (have) . wings to fly as birds. 13. I wish I ( be ) . rich as a billionaire now. 14. I wish I (buy) this house now. 8
  9. 15. If only she (attend) .the class yesterday. (If only I = I wish ) VING & TO V 1. You don’t expect me .that you actually met John, do you? A.believe B.believed C.to believe D.believing 2. The board of dircector discuss the project, then went on another topic. A.to discuss B.discuss C.discussing D.discussed 3. Mary agreed to the circus with Ann. A) went B) to go C) going D) goes 4. I would like the plants at the weekend. A. to water B.water C.watering D.watered 5. I promised .John go out but I don’t feel like .now. A.take/ going B.to take/ to go C. to take/ going D.take/ go 6. She should avoid other people’s feeling. A) hurting B) to hurt C) hurt D) hurts 7. He is expecting a trip to Ha Long Bay. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 8. Ann likes but she hates up. A.cook/ washing B.to cook/ wash C. cooking/ washed D. cooking/ washing 9. I enjoy to classical music. A. listening B. to listen C. listens D. listen NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. We are going to visit Thay Pagoda. The pagoda is about 100km away from here. 2. She is the only girl. The girl has been chosen for the prize. 3. We are lost in a forest. The forest is in Malaysia. 4. He has sent me a wedding card. It is on the 4th, May, 2021. 5. She made friends with some new students. They are from America. 6. I have thought of a new car. It is made by Fords. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. "How can you meet me at the station?" she asked him. → She asked me ___ 2. "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked. → The teacher wanted to know ___ 3. "Why do you help me?" she asked him. → She wanted to know ___ 4. "How long have you learned Italian?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 5. "Why do you say this?," she asked → She asked me ___ 6. "When did the film begin?" he asked → He asked ___ 9
  10. 7. "Where did you park your car?" she said. → She asked the boy ___ 8. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. → She asked him ___ 9. "How many mistakes have you got in the test? " he asked → He asked ___ 10. "How do you know Robert?" she asked me → She wanted to know ___ 11. "How can you go here?" He asked me. → He asked me. ___ 12. " How much sugar do you need? she asked the boy. → She asked the boy___ 13. " How often do you meet your friend?" she asked me → She asked me ___ 14. "When did you come back?" she asked him. → She asked him ___ 15. "Where did you see that car?" he asked me. → He asked me ___ 16. "Where is your sister?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ THÌ 1. Before he (meet) her, he (hear) .about her many times. 2. I (clean) my house before my husband (come) .home from work. 3. After they (go) to class, it (begin) to rain. 4. John (visit) the bookshop before he (go) home last night. 5. She (leave) . for Hanoi before we (arrive) 6. Our teacher said that he (pay) . a visit to England in 1970. 7. After Mary (buy) enough food for dinner, she (cook) it. 8. They (have) dinner together as soon as they (have) .a bath. 9. Before I (see) him here, We (talk) with each other several times. 10. After I (wash) .my clothes, I (feel) exhausted. PRACTICE TEST 4 Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. cleaned B. played C. uttered D. hoped 2. A. success B. amazing C. belong D. normal Choose the best answer from the four options given (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. (3p) 1. Hoa: “How long have you learned English “___” – Ngoc: ___ A. About 20 km B. I don’t know C. Not too much D. About 6 years. 2. We ___ dinner when she came last night. A. have B. were having C. had D. are having 3. ___ Mai felt tired, she went to school yesterday. A. Although B. However C. Because D. Despite 4. I wish I ___a super Pop star in the future. A. am B. was C. will be D. would be 5. If I had a typewriter, I___ my letter myself. A. type B. would type C. typing D. will type 6. She likes watching the stars ___ night. 10
  11. A. in B. from C. on D. at 7. Nam: “I think we should stay at home to prevent Covid-19” Thuan: “___. It is dangerous to go out now” A. I don’t agree. B. I am scared. C. Yes, let’s D. I agree. 8. This is the color TV ___ I bought yesterday. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 9. They enjoy ___ somewhere for a drink. A. went B. to go C. going D. go 10. He went on working ___ it started to rain. A. though B. because C. but D. and 11. They have a ___house. A. beautify B. beautifully C. beautiful D. beauty 12. Can you turn the radio? I am studying now. A. into B. on C. off D. of Read the passage carefully then answer the questions. (1 pts) Cornwall is situated in the south-west of England. It is famous for its beatiful scenery. There is not much industry so many people still earn their living by fishing. Another important source of income is tourism. There are a lot of tea- shops, souvenir shops and above all “bed and breakfast”. You can see signs for these small hotels everywhere. Most of them are pretty houses or bungalows with nice gardens and they are run by family who lives there. Cornwall is also well-known for its history and legends. For example, in Titagel you can visit the ruins of King Arthur’s Castle when King Arthur is said to have sat with his knights at the famous round table. Tourists often come to visit Cornwall in summer because the weather is warm and sunny. 13. Where is Cornwall situated? . 14. Why do many people still earn their living by fishing? . 15. Who are the hotels run by? . 16. What is the weather like in cornwall in summer? . Rewrite the sentence so that it means as the first ones, beginning with the given words. (1pt) 17. “How do you like classical music ,Nam?” She asked She asked 18. He was seriously ill, but he went to work yesterday. Although 19. The boy is my younger brother. He is playing in the garden. The boy TỔNG HỢP 4 ĐUÔI 1. A. shipped B. hitchhiked C. traced D. repainted 2. A. handed B. promised C. kissed D. discussed 3. A. listened B. burgled C. robbed D. chatted 4. A. gossiped B. rumoured C. remembered D. threatened 5. A. worried B. bored C. disappointed D. annoyed TRỌNG ÂM 3. a. attract b. parent c. signal d. instance 11
  12. 4. a. careful b. support c. even d. teacher 5. a. across b. simply c. common d. brother 6. a. social b. meter c. nothing d. begun 7. a. listen b. table c. something d. receive 8. a. discuss b. waving c. airport d. often 9. a. sentence b. pointing c. apple d. attract 10. a. problem b. money c. support d. dinner CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN 20. If she hadn’t stayed up late last night, she (not / be) ___ tired now. 21. I would feel painful if my head (be) ___ on fire now, doctor. 22. He will talk if he (attend) ___ a public meeting. 23. If I had known her address, I (go) ___ to visit her. 24. He would look frightened if he (see) ___ a ghost. 25. I wish I (see) ___ her off at the airport yesterday. 26. Tom wishes he (have) ___ enough money to buy a new car now. 27. Mary wishes she (become) ___ an astronaut in the future. 28. I wish I (have) ___ a day off to visit his parents today. 29. He wishes he (buy) ___ that old car now. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. He said to her: “I am your friend” He told 2. John said to his mother: “I don’t know how to do this exercise”. John told 3. “I have left my watch at home” said the man. The man 4. He said to me: “I don’t come to see you”. He told 5. Our teacher said to him: “You don’t talk in class”. Our teacher told 6. He told me: “ I have seen this film” He told me 7. Bill said: “I can do this exercise now.” Bill said. 8. She said: “ I won’t let you take this car” She said 9. “I don’t love you any more”, Tom said to his girlfriend. Tom told 10. She said, "I go to the cinema everyday." She said . THÌ 1. Hoa and Mai ( do ) the housework now . 2 . What your mother ( do ) .? - She is cooking . 3 . They ( go ) to school every day. 12
  13. 4 . Nam ( go ) to work by car every day but today he ( take ) a bus. 5 . Look ! The teacher ( come ) 6 . She is very clever . She ( speak ) .4 languagues. 7 . Steve often ( smoke ) .10 cigarettes a day . 8 . We usually ( have ) dinner at 7: 00 9 . Anne ( wash ) .her hair twice a week . 10 . Jane ( teach ) English to children everyday. 11 . You often ( meet ) .a lot of people . 12 . He often ( go ) .to the cinema . TEST 4 I- Choose the best answer: 1. I can't remember the name of the man ___ I gave you the money. A. who B when C. whose D. which 2. It is in this house ___ he was born A. that B. where C. which D. what 3. Thank you for ___ me about the meeting this afternoon. A. remind B. to remind C. reminding D. reminded 4. He couldn't go far because he was afraid of ___ A. to fly B. flying C. be flying D. fly 5. Are you interested in ___ football. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 6. "Don't ___ in class" said the teacher. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say 7. A lot of trees ___ in the garden at the moment. A. is grown B. is being grown C. are grown D. are being grown 8. The letter ___ by her for 20 minutes. A. was written B. has been wrote C. has written D. has been written 9. If it ___ fine tomorrow, we'll go shopping. A. was B. were C. will be D. is 10. If I ___ you, I would forget to buy that house. A. was B. were C. am D will be II. Phonetics 1. A. wanted B. greeted C. needed D. smoked 2. A. children B. child C. line D. sign 3. A. car B. carriage C. corn D. city 4. A. flower B. how C. cow D. flow 5. A. good B. mood C. shoot D. poor III. Identify the mistakes 6. I have so much money that I don't know what do with it. A B C D 7. Although my next door neighbor is not very cleverly, he is hard- working. A B C D 8. In spite the danger, they managed to cross the rive during the night. A B C D 9. What are you doing? I am listen to the forecast weather on T. V. A B C D 13
  14. TỔNG HỢP 5 ĐUÔI 1. A. mended B. faced C. objected D. waited 2. A. explored B. named C. travelled D. separated 3. A. filled B. missed C. switched D. watched 4. A. talked B. passed C. called D. watched 5. A. played B. matched C. cleaned D. opened 6. A. hated B. watched C. decided D. wanted 7. A. finished B. played C. cooked D. stopped 8. A. enjoyed B. loved C. joined D. helped 9. A. stopped B. watched C. decided D. flipped TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. money b. army c. afraid d. people 2. a. enjoy b. daughter c. provide d. decide 3. a. account b. airport c. finish d. summer 4. a. support b. approve c. offer d. reply 5. a. profit b. promise c. area d. suggest 6. a. future b. idea c. nature d. figure 7. a. polite b. amount c. police d. study 8. a. standard b. happen c. handsome d. destroy 9. a. about b. around c. between d. under 10. a. knowledge b. enjoy c. factor d. sudden CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN & CÂU ƯỚC 1. I would have visited you before if there ___ quite a lot of people in your house. A. hadn't B. hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. wasn't 2. If you had caught the bus, you ___ late for work. A. wouldn't have been B. would have been C. wouldn’t be D. would be 3. If you ___ me, I would express my feelings. A. will ask B. would ask C. had asked D. asked 4. If she___ as I told her, she would have succeeded. A. would do B. had done C. does D. did 5. Would you be angry if I ___ your pocket dictionary? A. stole B. have stolen C. were to steal D. steal 6. You would feel better if you ___ this pill. A. would take B. took C. take D. will take 7. John would be taking a great risk if he ___ his money in that business. A. would invest B. invested C. had invested D. invests 8. She wouldn't have given them all that money if we ___ her to. A. wouldn’t advise B. won't advise C. hadn't advised D. didn't advise 9. If the tree hadn't been so high, he ___ it up to take his kite down. A. could have climbed B. climb C. is climbing D. climbed 10. If the wall weren't so high, he ___ it up to take his ball down. A. climbed B. could climb C. is climbing D. climb 14
  15. 11. I wish I ( live) . near my school now. 12. I wish I ( know) . her address last night. 13. I wish I ( be ) . taller now. 14. I wish I (meet) her tomorrow. 15. If only he (not leave) .here yesterday. (If only I = I wish ) VING & TO V 1. We want (pay) ___ better wages. 2. We don’t enjoy (play) ___ this game. 3. We are tired of (work )___for low wages. 4. We expect (meet) ___ you again. 5. She hopes (listen) ___ good news from her students. 6. I avoid (talk)___with him. 7. He hates (keep) ___ waiting for her. 8. Do you feel like (go) ___ out with me tonight? 9. I would like (go) ___ out. 10. I always enjoy (have) ___ dinner in a restaurant. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the house. The house was built in 2000. 2. This is the woman. The woman is fashionable. 3. They have built a new cell phone. The phone is of Samsung. 4. My teacher gave me a hard exercise. It can’t be done by me. 5. We have 2 sisters. They are living far away from us. 6. That is a famous singer. She has a good voice. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT PRACTICE 2 15. "Where do you live?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 16. "How old are you?" John asked me. → John asked me ___ 17. He asked, "How do I use it?" → He asked ___ 18. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her son → The mother asked her son___ 19. "Which car do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend ___ 20. "Where are we going?" she asked. → She wanted to know ___ 21. "What time will you go to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know ___ 15
  16. 22. The teacher asked, "Who can speak English?" → The teacher wanted to know ___ 23. "How long have you known this man?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 24. " Where has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. → My friend asked ___ 25. "What is the time?" he asked. → He wanted to know ___ 26. "When will we meet again?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 27. "When did you come back?" she asked him. → She asked him ___ 28. "Where did they live?" he asked. → He wanted to know ___ 29. "When can you be at the party?" he asked her. → He asked her ___ THÌ 1. Before she (see) a film, she (do) . homework. 2. I (cook) my dinner before I (have) .with my family. 3. As soon as they (continue) walking, they (sit) down and (take) a short rest. 4. Yesterday, John (go) to the bookshop before he (go) home. 5. She (win) . the gold medal before 1986. 6. Our teacher said that he (pay) . a visit to England in 1970. 7. As soon as Mary (prepare) for dinner, her husband (come) home 8. After I (watch) . TV, the phone (ring) 9. Before I (meet) him, I (talk) with him a lots on the phone. 10. After I (wash) .my clothes, I (feel) exhausted. PRACTICE TEST 5 Question 1. A. prepare B. season C. assign D. enclose V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. Question 2. If he ___ his English skills, he would easily get a job. A. is improving B. had improved C. improves D. improved Question 3. If you spoke more slowly, he ___ you. A. would understand B. will understand C. understood D. understands Question 4. My children like ___ food such as hamburgers and pizzas. A. convenient B. comfortable C. healthy D. fast Question 5. Buckingham Palace is a major tourist ___. A. entertainment B. attraction C. construction D. accommodation Read the passage and answer the questions. Australia is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands. It is the world’s sixth-largest country by total area. Australia’s capital is Canberra, and its largest urban area is Sydney. For about 50000 years before the first British settlement in the late 18th century, Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians, who spoke languages classifiable into roughly 250 groups. After the European discovery of 16
  17. the continent by Dutch explorers in 1606, Autralia’s eastern half was claimed by Great Britain in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New Wouth Wales from 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in subsequent decades, and by the 1850s most of the continent had been explored and an additional five self- governing crown colonies established. On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia has since maintained a stable liberal democratic political system. The population of 24 milion is highly urbanized and heavily concentrated on the eastern seaboard. Australia has the world’s 13th-largest economy and ninth-highest per capita income (IMF). With the second- highest human development index globally, the country ranks highly in quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, and civil liberties and political right. Question 6. The word “It” in line 2 refers to___ . A. settlement B. area C. Canberra D. Australia Question 7. How many groups of languages were spoken by Australians before the 18th British settlement? A. 500 B. 250 C. 240 D. 300 Question 8. Which group of European people discovered the Australia continent? A. The Australian B. The British C. The Welsh D. The Dutch Question 9. The political system of Australia is ___. A. unstable B. urbanized C. democratic D. republic Question 10. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The Australian continent, and many islands make up Australia. B. Sydney is the world’s largest urban area. C. The quality of life, health and education of Australia is good. D. The eastern seaboard is an area of dense population. Question 11. What is the purpose of this passage? A. To explain why Australia is a developed country B. To explain why Australia’s population is increasing C. To present overall information of Australia D. To present the history of Australia TỔNG HỢP 6 ĐUÔI 1. A. supposedly B. rubbed C. played D. believed 2. A. recognized B. organized C. pronounced D. denied TRỌNG ÂM 11. a. noisy b. party c. never d. police 12. a. obvious b. problem c. product d. achieve 13. a. waiter b. teacher c. slightly d. toward CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1) She bought four apples 2) We won the match. 3) The man stole the blue car 4) The police arrested the thieves. 5) The dog bit the old lady 6) Tom ate five hamburgers 7) John taught the children 8) Mary rode the brown horse. 17
  18. 9) My mother told good stories. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." He said 2. She said, "I will do this for him." She said . 3. She said, "I am not hungry now." She said 4. They said, "We have never been here before." They said 5. “I went going to Hanoi yesterday ”, he said He said 6. “I lived in Ho Chi Minh City with my friends ” Peter said to me . 7. “We waited for the bus yesterday”, said the children. The children said . 8. “I looked for my skates last week , Ann said” Ann said . 9. “I lived with my parents last year ”, she said She said 10. “I washed my car last Sunday ”, Peter said to me. Peter told THÌ 1. She ( cook) in the kitchen at the moment . 2 . Listen ! Somebody ( sing ) 3 . She is tired . She ( want ) .to go home now . 4 . They often ( read ) newspapers. 5 . We (see) .him yesterday. 6. They (have) their dinner when I arrived. 7 . He (watch) TV when I came to see him. 8. He usually (drive ) to work . 9 . Mozart ( play ) the piano when he was three years old . 10 . Many people (sing) when we came. PRACTICE TEST 6 1. Don't turn off the light. I ___ a report now. A. read B. is reading C. am reading D. be reading 2. When she ___, I was reading upstairs. A. was coming B. is coming C. came D. comes 3. My mother is cooking now. She always ___ dinner for my family. A. cooks B. cooked C. cooking D. is cooking 4. If he knew the facts, he ___ us what to do. A. told B. will tell C. would tell D. tells 5. If you ___ work hard, you'll fail the exam. 18
  19. A. not work B. don't work C. won't work D. work 6. Would you mind ___ me to take these chairs away. A. help B. to help C. helped D. helping 7. Mr. Kent has been out of ___ for a year. A. a work B. the work C. work D. works 8. I am sorry I can't help you now. I'm busy ___ my lesson. A. to B. X C. with D. for 9. she doesn't enjoy looking ___ the children. A. for B. in C. after D. at 10. His friends are surprised ___ his success. A. in B. with C. at D. for 11. He was born ___ 2nd May 1987. A. in B. on C. at D. since 12. My father has been working in a bank ___ we moved here. A. for B. during C. since D. in 13. Picaso, ___ works inspired many artists, lived until he was a ripe old age. A. who B. that C. whose D. which 14. His success is ___. A. surprise B. surprises C. surprising D. surprisingly 15. We should ___ this road for better use. A. wide B. to widen C. width D. widen 16. He finally ___ in finding a new job. A. success B. succeeded C. successful D. successive 17. There is a ___ between the North and the South. A. different B. differ C. differently D. difference 18. This park is very ___ to visitors. A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attracted 19. I liked the T- shirt ___ he was wearing. A. what B. which C. who D. whose II. Phonetics 1. A. butter B. put C. sugar D. push 2. A. few B. new C. threw D. knew 3. A. pretty B. get C. send D. well III. Identify the mistakes 4. Because of An's English was poor, she couldn't pass the final exam A B C D 5. He has learned a lot in the last couple of years, didn't he? A B C D TỔNG HỢP 7 ĐUÔI 1. A. married B. sniffed C. booked D. coughed 2. A. smiled B. denied C. divorced D. agreed 3. A. planned B. developed C. valued D. recognized 4. A. approved B. answered C. practiced D. uttered 5. A. doubted B. wedded C. connected D. passed 19
  20. 6. A. managed B. laughed C. captured D. signed 7. A. washed B. exchanged C. experienced D. mixed 8. A. filled B. added C. started D. intended 9. A. wanted B. booked C. stopped D. laughed 10. A. booked B. watched C. jogged D. developed 11. A. bottled B. explained C. trapped D. betrayed 12. A. laughed B. stamped C. booked D. contented TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. listen b. delay c. pencil d. marry 2. a. police b. penpal c. orange d. blessing 3. a. careful b. seldom c. enjoy d. pleasure 4. a. about b. humour c. cancer d. treatment 5. a. arrive b. study c. offer d. open 6 . a. farmer b. retell c. airport d. fairy 7. a. cattle b. country c. polite d. cover 8. a. money b. machine c. many d. mother 9. a. borrow b. agree c. await d. prepare 10. a. paper b. along c. lecture d. story CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN & CÂU ƯỚC 1. I wish I ( go ) . to the movie with you tomorrow. 2. I wish I ( have ) a day off now. 3. I wish I ( learn ) Latin instead of Greek last year. 4. I wish I ( not / spend ) . so much money yesterday. 5. I wish the weather (be ) .warm tomorrow, so we could go swimming 6. I wish I (ask ) . . him how to get there last night. 7. I wish I (stay) . at home now. 8. I wish I (not/ buy) . that book yesterday. 9. I wish I (not/see) . .him now. 10. I wish I (not/call) . . him a liar tomorrow. 11. I wish you (be) . .here now. 12. I wish I(be) . .a billionaire. VING & TO V 1. The students get used to (help) ___ the old and the disabled 2. I dislike (call) ___ a little girl 3. We spend hours (type) ___ this document 4. I don’t know why he avoids (meet) ___ me. 5. The manager decided (resign) ___ his secretary. 6. He suggested (have) ___ lunch outside. 7. I expect (meet) ___ my parents because I haven’t seen for ages. 8. I promise (not tell) ___ a lie. 9. Mary suggested (hold) ___ a barbecue in the garden. 10. The students stopped (talk)___ when the teacher came in. 11. I enjoy (listen) ___ to classical music 12. Would you mind (give) ___ me a hand? 13. She has just finished (write) ___ a friendly letter 20
  21. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the storm. The storm caused bad damage to my area. 2. This is the car. It broke down yesterday. 3. They have built a new villa. It lives near the shopping mall. 4. My teacher gave me a good mark. The good mark made me happy. 5. We have 3 three days off. They are from now to the 3rd. 6. That is a famous pagoda. The pagoda is visited by millions of tourists each year. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 30. "Where is the book?" she asked. → She asked ___ 31. "How are you?" Martin asked us. → Martin asked us ___ 32. He asked, "How do I have to do it?" → He asked ___ 33. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter ___ 34. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend ___ 35. "What are they doing?" she asked. → She wanted to know ___ 36. "What time are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know ___ 37. The teacher asked, "Who can speak English?" → The teacher wanted to know ___ 38. "How do you know that?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 39. " Where has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. → My friend asked ___ 40. "What is the time?" he asked. → He wanted to know ___ 41. "When will we meet again?" she asked me. → She asked me ___ 42. "When will you come back?" she asked him. → She asked him ___ 43. "Where did they live?" he asked. → He wanted to know ___ 44. "When will you be at the party?" he asked her. → He asked her ___ THÌ 21
  22. 1. Before she (watch) TV, she (do) . homework. 2. I (have) my dinner before I (go) .to bed. 3. After they (go) , I (sit) down and (rest) 4. Yesterday, John (go) to the store before he (go) home. 5. She (win) . the gold medal before 1986. 6. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970. 7. As soon as Alan (prepare) for dinner, her husband (go) home 8. As soon as I (watch) . TV, the phone (ring) 9. Before I (watch) TV, I (do) my homework. 10. After I (wash) .my clothes, I (sleep) PRACTICE TEST 7 I. A. Tìm từ có cách phát âm ở phần gạch chân khác với các từ còn lại: Câu 1: A. stopped B. laughed C. coughed D. stayed I. B. Tìm từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại: Câu 2: A. control B. taken C. depend D. collect Câu 3: A. arrive B. water C. open D. happen II. Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau: Câu 4: Everyday we go to work car 6.30 a.m. A. on a / before B. by a / at C. by / at D. with / at Câu 5: If he the old lessons, he wouldn’t get bad marks. A. revises B. revised C. revising D. will revise Câu 6: My children are very interested English. A. with learning B. in learning C. to learn D. to learning Câu 7: She as a nurse for 10 years. A. worked B. had worked C. has worked D. is working Câu 8: We arrived Ho Chi Minh City 6 o’clock yesterday morning. A. on / at B. in / at C. at / on D. in / on Câu 9: We merrily when my mother came in. A. were talking B. talked C. are talking D. would talk Câu 10: In Viet Nam, Children go to school six days week. A. a B. over C. an D. the Câu 11: She wishes she a doctor in the future. A. will be B. would be C. has been D. may be Câu 12: This exercise by the teacher yesterday. A. was corrected B. correcting C. corrected D. was correcting Câu 13: She asked me I liked learning English. A. that B. whether C. if D. Both B and C Câu 14: - Teacher: “How are you?” - Student: “ ” A. No, we aren’t. B. I’m fine, thank you. And you? C. Yes, we are. D. They are fine, thank you. III. Chọn câu viết lại có nghĩa tương đương với câu cho trước: Câu 15: “Why are you late for school, Peter?” she said. A. She asked Peter why he was late for school. B. She askes Peter why he is late for school. C. She asked Peter why was he late for school. D. She asked Peter why he late for school was. Câu 16: He asked me how I learned English. 22
  23. A. “How didn’t you learn English?” he asked. B. “How did you learn English?” he asked. C. “How you learn English?” he asked. D. “How do you learn English?” he asked. IV. Tìm một lỗi sai (A, B, C hoặc D) trong mỗi câu sau: Câu 17: She asked me where did I came from. A B C D V. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi: Television is the most popular form of entertainment in the American household. People of all ages use this medium to entertain themselves for an average of four hours a day. Thus, television has had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children. Scientists now say that children can be adversely affected by contantly watching television. This is due to the fact that they participate less in physical activities, spend less time reading and studying, and see a world of violence that can affect their own feelings of security. Câu 18: Who can be adversely affected by constantly watching television? A. Children. B. The young. C. The viewers. D. The old. Câu 19: How many hours a day do they spend watching television? A. 4 (hours). B. Less 4 (hours). C. Under 4 (hours). D. Over 4 (hours). Câu 20: What does the word “viewers” mean? - Viewers are persons A. who work at a TV station. B. who sell TV sets. C. who watch TV. D. Both A and B. Câu 21: Isn’t television the most popular form of entertainment in the American household? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was. C. Yes, it isn’t. D. No, it wasn’t. Câu 22: Has television had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children? A. Yes, it have. B. Yes, it has had. C. Yes, it had. D. Yes, it has. TỔNG HỢP 8 ĐUÔI 1. A. talked B. painted C. asked D. liked 2. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. wanted 3. A. waited B. mended C. objected D. faced 4. A. devoted B. suggested C. provided D. wished 5. A. watched B. crashed C. occupied D. laughed 6. A. started B. looked C. decided D. coincided 7. A. designed B. preserved C. sawed D. guided 8. A. agreed B. missed C. liked D. watched 9. A. concealed B. fined C. resembled D. resisted 10. A. expelled B. dismissed C. encountered D. returned CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. The dog bit the boy in the garden. 2. The police arrested five suspects. 3. The doctor asked the boy. 4. They started a dancing class last week. 23
  24. 5. Mr. Smith saw the accident . 6. He took my briefcase. 7. The teacher corrected my writing. 8. She finished the report. 9. They called the girl last night. 10. The woman saw the man at the airport. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 11. “I came to London last month . ”, Mary said to me. Mary told 12. “We are waiting for you”. They told me 13. “I brought the book back yesterday”, Mary said. Mary told 14. Peter said “ I had some fruits with my friends”. Peter said . 15. She said to him: “I can lend you 50 pounds now” . She told . 16. She said to him: “I am your friend” She told 17. Mary said to her father: “I don’t know how to do this exercise”. Mary told 18. “I left my watch at home So I didn’t know the time” said the woman. The woman . 19. He said to her: “I arrived to see you”. He told 20. Bill said: “I did this exercise last night.” Bill said. THÌ 1. My mother ( go ) to the supermarket yesterday evening. 2. He ( move ) to Paris in 1917. 3. Teenagers like ( listen ) to the latest pop music . 4. You ( do ) this tomorrow morning . 5 . Children shouldn`t ( drink ) .coffee . 6. My family ( watch ) .T.V every night . But now we ( listen ) to pop music . 7. Yesterday Nga’s father ( start ) .his new job . 8 . I ( meet ) her at the movie theater last night . 9 . He ( go ) .to the English club every Sunday . But last Sunday he ( stay ) at home. 10 . My mother ( make ) a dress now . 24
  25. 11 . Two years ago , she ( teach ) at a village school . PRACTICE TEST 8 1. I have searched everywhere for the pen I ___ yesterday. A. loosed B. lost C. lose D. losed 2. While I was walking to school, I ___ an accident. A. was seeing B. see C. seen D. saw 3. David the TV set at the moment. A. was repairing B. has repaired C. is repairing D. repaired 4. He ___ his homework for 2 hours. A. have did B. has do C. has done D. did 5. When the teacher came in, we ___. A. talk B. are talking C. were talking D. talked 6. He is trying to give up ___. A. smoking B. smoke C. smokes D. smoked 7. We are tired of ___ for the weather to clear. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. to waiting 8. My father is fond of ___. A. finishing B. fished C. fishes D. to fish 9. My brother hates ___ early. A. to get up B. getting C. to get D. getting up 10. She love ___ to the party with me. A. going B. to going C. goes D. to go 11. That church ___by a fire in 1950. A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was destroying D. has been destroyed 12. He ___ since we left school. A. wasn't seen B. didn't see C. hasn't been seen D. haven't been seen 13. A new school ___ in the city at present. A. is built B. is building C. is being built D. be built 14. My father bought a motorbike ___ costs two thousand dollars. A. which B. of which C. who D. whose 15. This is the shop ___ I often buy my books. A. which B. that C. where D. when 16. A man will be different ___ he is today. A. to B. in C. from D. as I. Phonetics 17. A. flow B. row C. know D. now 18. A. fly B. hobby C. energy D. family 19. A. city B. my C. cry D. sky II. Identify the mistakes 20. They don't stay at the park very long last Sunday. A B C D 21. I have studied English since 5 years A B C D TỔNG HỢP 9 ĐUÔI 1. A. reversed B. choked C. played D. sentenced 2. A. proved B. looked C. stopped D. coughed 25
  26. 3. A. dated B. changed C. struggled D. agreed 4. A. behaved B. washed C. clicked D. approached 5. A. worked B. shopped C. missed D. played 6. A. coughed B. cooked C. melted D. mixed 7. A. watched B. practiced C. introduced D. cleaned 8. A. passed B. stretched C. fined D. washed 9. A. tested B. clapped C. planted D. demanded 10. A. intended B. engaged C. phoned D. enabled TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. noisy b. party c. social d. polite 2. a. waiter b. teacher c. slightly d. toward CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. They saw the film yesterday. 2. He wrote this poem last night. 3. The boy bought a new bag at the bookstore. 4. John helped Lan to move the chair. 5. They repaired the bike yesterday Monday. 6. We ate cakes at the party. 7. They cooked a delicious meal yesterday. 8. He met a lot of people. 9. She did her homework last night. 10. The boys kicked the ball at the stadium. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the woman. She has an expensive car. 2. This is the computer. It was stolen 3 days ago. 3. They have built a new villa. It costs about 2.000.000 USD. 4. My teacher gave us hard exercises. They can’t be done by us. 5. We have 3 three children. They learn English well. 6. That is a famous pagoda. It is visited by millions of tourists each year. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 45. He said, “I don’t know how to do this task.” 26
  27. → ___ 46. She said, “I went to the doctor yesterday.” → ___ 47. He said, “I have a toothache.” → ___ 48. She said, “I’ll write him a letter.” → ___ 49. They said, “We are going to the supermarket.” → ___ 50. He said to her, “I gave you some pills.” → ___ 51. She said, “I go to the supermarket every day.” → ___ 52. He said, “I have received the envelope.” → ___ 53. They said, “We visited Hue last year.” → ___ 54. She said, “I feel very sick. today” → ___ 55. He said, “I bought some popcorn last night.” → ___ THÌ 1. I (be) .fourteen years old next week. 2 . My father (watch) . .T.V last night . 3 . You should (add) a little salt to the spinach when you boil it . 4 . When you (buy) this dress ? Two days ago . 5. I hope you ( visit ) .Ha Noi tomorrow . 6 . She would like (buy) some bananas . 7 . Hoa (receive) .a letter from her mother 2 days ago . 8. It (stop) . . raining since yesterday. 9. I like (watch) baseball . 10. The children must (be) .back by six o`clock . 11 . Marconi (invent) radio many years ago. PRACTICE TEST 9 1. He’s really good, ___? A. doesn't he B. don't I C. isn't he D. will he 2. People ___ are optimistic are usually happy people. A. who B. whom C. when D. whose 3. The bus driver was so tired-mệt ___ driving the same route that he asked for a transfer. A. to B. of C. for D. about 4. The police must try to catch those men ___ drive dangerously. A. they B. which they C. who they D. who 5. You ___ better be careful not to miss the train! A. would B. should C. did D. had 6. What ___to our life if the forest did not exist? A. happened B. would happen C. will happen D. happen 27
  28. 7. The dog ___ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking. A. who B. that C. whom D. when 8. Why don't you apply-xin ___ the job advertised in the paper today? A. with B. of C. for D in 9. She has to look after the children all day because they haven’t got used to ___ after themselves. A. look B. looks C. looked D. looking 10. We waited ___ at the bus stop for an hour but the bus didn't come. A. patient B. patiently C. patience 11. English is an ___ medium of international communication. A. effective B. effectively C. effect D. effection 12. Drinking much wine-rượu is ___ to your health. A. harm B. harmful C. harmless D. harmlessly 13. The town is very ___. Thousands of tourists visit it each month. A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. attracted 14. I'm not very keen ___ playing chess. A. of B. on C. with D. for III. Phonetics 15. A. easy B. seat C. learn D. eat 16. A. coughed B. wished C. reached D. studied IV.Identify the mistakes 17. My Mom never lets me to go out at night . A B C D 18. The teacher which taught us English last year is Mr Smith. A B C D 19. Nam suggested practice English in class as much as possible. A B C d 20. Children are very excitied about the trip to Ha Long Bay yesterday. A B C D TỔNG HỢP 10 ĐUÔI 1. A. filled B. landed C. suited D. needed 2. A. chased B. wished C. pursued D. thanked 3. A. preferred B. worked C. fixed D. fetched 4. A. shipped B. hiked C. traced D. repainted 5. A. listened B. burgled C. robbed D. chatted 6. A. gossiped B. rumoured C. remembered D. threatened 7. A. worried B. bored C. disappointed D. annoyed TRỌNG ÂM 1. A . contain B. express C. borrow D. along 2. A . impress B. favor C. exam D. police 3. A . regret B. selfish C. normal D. very 4. A . study B. cover C. perform D. father 5. A . about B. teacher C. doctor D. careful 6. A . morning B. college C. arrive D. famous 28
  29. 7. A . seldom B. mental C. wonder D. advise CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. The doctor ordered a good menu. 2. They grew the trees in the garden. 3. The mailman delivered the mail. 4. He borrowed my pen yesterday. 5. He finished his work on time. 6. I met him yesterday. 7. The boy did his homework last night. 8. John visited Hanoi last year. 9. They saw the man in the city. 10. She wrote this poem in 1990. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the man. He lives near here. 2. This is the book. It is really good. 3. I know the woman. She is standing over there. 4. I love the film. It was shown on TV last night. 5. He has three brothers. They are living away from him now. 6. This is the house. My father built it in 2000. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. She said: “I can take this car” She said 2. She said: “ I met him yesterday” She said 3. “I won’t tell lies any more”, Tom said Tom told . 4. She said, "I will go to the cinema tomorrow." She said 5. He said, "I am having a test tomorrow." He said 6. Tom said, "I will do this work next week ." next . the next . 29
  30. Tom told me . 7. She said, "I will come back next month." She said 8. They said, "We have never eaten this kind of food before." They said . 9. Mai said to me “ I have never seen this beautiful sight before 10. He said that “I am having a toothache. . THÌ 1. We (travel) to Hue next week . 2 . You (do) your homework yesterday morning . 3. They usually (have ) dinner at home , but they ( have ) dinner in a small restaurant yesterday evening . 4 . The children (be) .here ten minutes ago , but at the moment they (play) .in the yard . 5 . Could you (show) me the way to the bus stop . 6. Lan and Hoa (go) to the post office now. 7. Lan (buy) .some stamps and envelopes now. 8. Hoa (mail) .this letter tomorrow . 9 . I enjoy (buy) a phone card . 10. He ( phone) .his parents twice a week . 11 . Nam wants (send) this postcard to his pen pal . PRACTICE TEST 10 I-Choose the best answer: 1. My sister can ___ six languages fluently. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk 2. He lives ___ Ho Chi Minh City. A. on B. at C. in D. with 3. Do you mind ___ the cooking? A. doing B. to do C. for cooking D. to cooking 4. They gave ___ smoking. A. out B. up C. in D. away 5. I spent half a year ___this boat. A. to build B. built C. building D. with building 6. I have got any liking for cake, ___? A. have I B. haven't I C. did I D. didn't I 7. Jack loves his parents' house ___ he was born. A. which B. who C. whose D. where 8. I'm very good ___ English. A. for B. in C. at D. about 9. I'm worried ___ taking my oral exam. A. about B. that C. of D. to 10. Last night I ___ my homework when the light went out. A. did B. is doing C. do D. was doing 11. They are travelling to Paris ___train. A. by B. on C. through D. in II. Phonetics 30
  31. 12. A. student B. stupid C. study D. studio 13. A. island B. nice C. dinner D. fine 14. A. lung B. cut C. put D. shut III. Identify the mistakes 15. Mr Ba rides his bike to work at the moment A B C D 16. Your brother is going to work by bus, doesn't he? A B C D 17. Kangaroos, that can be seen every where in Australia, have long tails. A B C D TỔNG HỢP 11 ĐUÔI 1. A. watched B. stopped C. pushed D. improved 2. A. admired B. looked C. missed D. hoped 3. A. proved B. changed C. pointed D. played 4. A. helped B. laughed C. cooked D. intended 5. A. smoked B. followed C. titled D. implied 6. A. coughed B. phoned C. booked D. stopped 7. A. developed B. ignored C. laughed D. washed 8. A. clapped B. attracted C. lifted D. needed 9. A. involved B. believed C. rained D. locked 10. A. remembered B. cooked C. trained D. cleaned TRỌNG ÂM 1. a. attract b. sharing c. nature d. listen 2. a. level b. support c. event d. accept 3. a. across b. doctor c. common d. brother 4. a. careful b. meter c. under d. exam 5. a. many b. table c. something d. receive 6. a. discuss b. waving c. airport d. often 7. a. sentence b. pointing c. public d. attract 8. a. problem b. future c. suppose d. dinner CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. The school awarded the first prize yesterday. 2. You sent the Christmas cards last night. 3. The committee appointed a new secretary. 4. Tom did his homework at home. 5. They cleaned this room all the time. 31
  32. 6. We ate some bananas at the party. 7. They repaired the broken car yesterday. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the girl. She has blond hair. 2. This is the car. It was stolen 3 days ago. 3. They have built a new house. It costs about 20.000 USD. 4. My teacher gave us a hard exercise. It can’t be done by us. 5. We have a son and 2 daughters. They learn English well. 6. That is a famous beauty spot. It is visited by millions of tourists each year. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. She said : “I will come later” 2. He said: “I haven’t eaten breakfast” 3. “I can help you tomorrow” She told him 4. “I can help you” She told him 5. “I don’t like chocolate” She said 6. “I won’t see you tomorrow” He said 7. “I am living in Paris for a few months” The boy said 8. “I visited my parents at the weekend” The girl said 9. “I haven’t seen this film before” He said 10. “I haven’t travelled by underground since yesterday” He said 11. “We will miss the train tomorrow” They said THÌ 1. You should (go) .to bed early . 2 . Lan (watch) TV when I came to visit her last night. 3 . She wants (eat) a lot of vegetables and fruit . 4 . They (talk) together when I went to their house yesterday. 32
  33. 5 . He (come) .to the meeting last week . 6 . My father usually (take) .medicine at 6.30 every morning . 7 . He (have) his dinner when she arrived yesterday . 8 . Yesterday, Hoa (go) to the supermarket . 9 . I like (tell) you about my family . 10 . Farmers often (harvest) .vegetables from the farm . 11 . Be careful ! The children (run) . across the street . PRACTICE TEST 11 I Choose the best answer: 1. Vung Tau has a long beach, which is very good ___ swimming. A. in B. for C. at D. with 2. You will have an accident if you drive___. A. danger B. dangerously C. dangerous D. to endanger 3. He got good ___ from his father. A. educational B. educate C. education D. educationally 4. Tam, ___ graduated from the University of Foreign Languages, now works for an import-export company. A. who B. whose C. when D. which 5. You will get good marks if you write your answers ___. A. care B. carefully C. carelessly D. careless 6. Marie Curie was a great ___, who won the Nobel Prize two times. A. science B. scientifically C. scientific D. scientist 7. The advertisement says people must write their in English. A. applying B. application C. apply D. applied 8. Students normally visit their old teacher's houses ___ Teachers' Day. A. in B. on C. at D. into 9. She really can't get used ___ told what to do. A. to be B. to being C. for being D. to have been II. Phonetics 10. A. most B. optional C. notice D. show 11. A. divide B. impress C. official D. rise 12. A. cook B. cup C. confident D.city 13. A. put B. sun C. fun D. done III.Identify the mistakes 14. Cars which are make in Germany are usually very expensive. A B C D TỔNG HỢP 12 ĐUÔI 11. A. failed B. reached C. absorbed D. solved 12. A. invited B. attended C. celebrated D. displayed 33
  34. 13. A. removed B. washed C. hoped D. missed 14. A. looked B. laughed C. moved D. stepped 15. A. wanted B. parked C. stopped D. watched 16. A. laughed B. passed C. suggested D. placed 17. A. believed B. prepared C. involved D. liked 18. A. lifted B. lasted C. happened D. decided 19. A. collected B. changed C. formed D. viewed 20. A. walked B. entertained C. reached D. looked TRỌNG ÂM 14. a. believe b. marriage c. suggest d. about 15. a. cover b. couple c. open d. police CHUYỂN SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. She cooked this dish at home. 2. Our friends sent these postcards yesterday. 3. Their grandmother told this story last night. 4. Tim ordered this train ticket. 5. She bought her ticket at the store. 6. Jim baked this cake yesterday. 7. They bought a new apartment last year. 8. The shop assistant handed these boxes. NỐI 2 CÂU DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ 1. This is the boy. He can lift this heavy car. 2. This is the book. It is written by Nam Cao. 3. I know the man. He visited you yesterday. 4. I love the book. It was bought by my mother. 5. He has three smart phones. They are rather expensive. 6. They have 4 sisters. They are girls. CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT 1. She said that “I am going to the museum with the classmates now. 2. They said that “We are going to the supermarket at this time” 34
  35. 3. “ I don’t have much time to enjoy the cake” He said 4. “ I haven’t had lunch with my friends for ages” He said 1. She said : “I work as a doctor” 2. She told me : “We went out last night” 3. “I’m coming!” He said 4. “I was waiting for the bus” He said 5. “ I had never been there before” She said 6. “I went to the party” He said THÌ 1. We would like ( visit ) Ngoc Son Temple . 2. My hair is dirty . I ( wash ) .it now. 3 . We ( have ) an English test tomorrow. 4 . They usually ( paint ) their house blue . 5 . My father ( buy ) a new car 2 months ago . 6 . Nam ( help ) his father repair the radio at this time . 7 . I ( be ) busy last night. 8 . Mr. Robinson ( watch ) T.V every night . 9 . Mrs. Mai often ( make ) .all her own clothes . At the moment she ( make ) a dress for her daughter . 10 . He ( teach ) .math at this school in 1986 . 11 . They ( wait ) .for the president in the hall now . 12. She ___ her dinner when I came to visit her last night. A. is having B. was having C. has D. had 13. My brother ___ a film on TV when I went home last night. A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. watches 14. I found that water down the kitchen walls when I got home. A. ran B. was running C. has run D. had been running 15. While I ___ T.V last night, a mouse ran across the floor. A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching 16. He began to feel ill while he___ the exam. A. is doing B. did C. would do D. was doing 17. While I .along the road, I saw a friend of mine. A. was cycling B. have cycled C. cycled D. am cycling PRACTICE TEST 12 I Choose the best answer: 1. If she ___ so conceited, we would like her more. A. weren't B. isn't C. hasn't been D. wouldn't be 2. I received a lot of presents ___ my eighteenth birthday. 35
  36. A in B. on C. at D. during 3. I like listening to the music programme ___ the radio. A. above B. in C. through D. on 4. She's scared of living ___ a big city. A. by B. on C. for D. in 5. Alice started playing tennis ___. A. for 2 years B. since 2 years C. 2 years ago D. in 2 years 6. Jack doesn't mind ___ at night. A work B. works C. working D. to work 7. The dog, ___ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking. A. who B. whose C. which D. when 8. You must give ___ smoking if you don't want to get lung cancer. A. in B. on C. by D. up II. Phonetics 1. A. baby B. day C. cave D. fall 2. A. vase B. amazing C. stay D. law 3. A. call B. wake C. gate D. same 4. A. plane B. play C. tall D. game 5. A. face B. late C. make D. hall III.Identify the mistakes 6 . The official delegation will arrive in Geneva in Monday tomorrow by car. A B C D 7. The woman were killed with a heavy stone yesterday. A B C D 36