Lesson Plan - Grade 11 - Period 38, Unit 7: World population Reading
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Nội dung text: Lesson Plan - Grade 11 - Period 38, Unit 7: World population Reading
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Date: November 18th+, 2009 Period 38 Unit 7 WORLD POPULATION Lesson READING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - guess the meaning of words based on contexts. - scan for specific information about world population. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: - New words: B.C, A.D, Third World, available, decrease . . . . III. Teaching Aids: overhead projector, cassette player, textbook . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/ Students’ Teacher’s Activities Time Activities Game – Hangman Warm – up -T has Ss guess a word corresponding to 10 dashes. (7 minutes) Hints: It is a proplem that India, China, Vietnam, etc have to solve. POPULATION T Ss -T divides the class into 2 big teams. One S from each team suggest a letter in turn. If the letter appears in the word, the teacher writtes it on the board. If the choosen letter is not in the word, the teacher starts to construct gallows for that team. One line is added for each wrong choice. Each team has each own gallows. Lead in -T asks Ss some quesitons to lead in the reading: Pre – 1. What does “population” mean? reading 2. What is the population of Hue and of Vietnam? T Ss 3. Do you think it is large or small? 4. What is the world population nowadays? -T asks Ss to answer the questions at the 2 pictures in the textbook. (8 minutes) -T goes over the answers with the class. -T introduces the lesson. -T elicits or pre-teaches some new words. Vocabulary Pre-teach + B.C: Beofre Christ + A.D: Anno Domini T Ss + Third World (n) + available (adj) + decrease (v) Task 1 – Gap-filling While – -T asks Ss to work in pairs and do Task 1. S S reading -T asks Ss to find out the Vietnamese equivalent to the expressions and exchange the ideas with a partner. -T tells Ss to compare their answers with each other. -T gives feedback and correct answers. T Ss (10 minutes) * Suggested answer: 1. although 2. method 3. increase 4. resources 5. figures 6. limit 7. international 8. control Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Task 2 – Questions and Answers -T has Ss work in pairs to do Task 2. -T gives Ss time to read the whole passage. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. S S (10 minutes) -T calls on some pairs to act out the activity in front of the class. -T comments and gives the suggested answers. * Suggested answers: 1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion. 2. By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be 7 million. (To be continued) Post – Task 3 – Discussion reading -T requires Ss to work in groups of four to discuss the given questions in the textbook. Ss Ss (7 minutes) -T goes around to control and gives help to Ss. -T calls on some volunteers to report their group’s opinion and gives good marks for reasonable answers * Suggested answers: + The 5 largest countries in population are: 1. China 2. India 3. Russia 4. The U.S.A 5. Indonesia + Location of these countries Asia: China, India, Indonesia Europe: Russia Latin America: The U.S.A + The richest country is the U.S.A + The poorest country may be India Homework -T summarises the main points in the lesson. -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart T Ss (3 minutes) and prepare SPEAKING for the next period. Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Date: November 18th+, 2009 Period 39 Unit 7(cont.) WORLD POPULATION Lesson SPEAKING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - give their opinions about the causes and the problems facing over populous countries. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: - New words: III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures . . . . IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities Warm – up Questions -T asks Ss to some questions: (5minutes) 1. How many children do your parents have? T Ss 2. Do you want to have more or fewer? Why? 3. Do you know any families that have more than 10 children nowadays? 4. According to you, what are the causes to population explosion? -T notes Ss’ ideas on the board. Pre – Task 1 – Giving Opinion speaking -T tells Ss to read the causes to population explosion in the S S textbook to see how much of their ideas is similar to the opinions given. (6 minutes) -T gets Ss to put them in order of importance and explain why. Ss T -T moves around the class to help Ss. -T calls on some pairs to explain their priority. -T gives comments and then introduces to Ss some ways to give opinion, agreement and disagreement. T Ss In my opinion . . . As for me, . . . As far as I’m concerned, . . . S Ss From my point of view, I think . . . It would seem / appear to me that . . . . Remark: According to me We should say “according to (another person) Ex: According to Mr. Smith, . . . her . . . While – Task 2 – Listing the problems speaking -T ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss and list the problems facing poor and over populated countries by combining the vocabulary in S S the useful language. (10 minutes) -T encourage Ss to think of more problems to add to their list. -Within 4 minutes which pair gives the most reasonable ideas will receive good marks. -T moves around to control and give help if necessary. S Ss -T asks Ss to report their results to the class. -T gathers feedbacks and gives out the correct answer. Task 3 – Working out the solutions (10 minutes) Situation: “If you were a Prime Minister of Vietnam, what would Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 you do to solve the problems of overpopulation?” Ss Ss -T asks Ss to work in groups of four. Each group chooses a secretary to record the others’ opinions. -T asks Ss to use the suggestions in the useful language and T Ss encourages them to add more ideas. -T has Ss use the expressions to give opinions that they have learnt. -In 5 minutes, which groups gives the most practical or interesting ideas will get good marks. -T moves around to help Ss. S Ss -T asks secretary of some groups to present their groups’ ideas in front of the class. -T asks other Ss to give comments. -T gives feedback and declares the best group. T Ss Post – Task 3 – Discussion speaking Situation: “You are at a population conference. Share your ideas about the causes to population explosion and the solutions to this (12 minutes) problems” Ss S -T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about the given situation. Each team chooses a best Ss to be a chairman who can decide which ideas are good ones and a secretary who notes the ideas of the group. T Ss -T tells Ss that they can use the results of Task 2 and 3. -T goes around, offering help. -T calls on some pairs to act out their meeting. S S -T takes note of their errors if any and correct them later. -T asks other Ss to give their comments. -T gives feedback. Homework -T summarise the main points in the lesson. -T asks Ss to learn by heart all the expressions about population in T Ss (2 minutes) the textbook. -T requires Ss to prepare LISTENING for the next period. Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 Date: Period Unit 7(cont.) WORLD POPULATION Lesson LISTENING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - listen for specific information on the world population. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: III. Teaching Aids: IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities Game – Bingo Warm – up -T asks Ss to list the polulous contries. -T notes down their names on the board (about 10 or more) -T asks Ss to take out a piece of paper and copy down 3 countries T Ss (5minutes) from the list on the board. -T chooses 3 countries by marking. Right after T marks the last country, any Ss who have all the same choices as T will say “Bingo” and they win the game. Pre – Discussion listening -T asks SS to work in pairs to discuss the following questions: S S 1. Do you think that the Third World has high population density? 2. Do you think that our world is overpopulated? (6 minutes) 3. Whar continent has the largest population? -T calls on some Ss to present their answers. T Ss -T asks other Ss to add more ideas. Pre-teaching vocabulary T Ss -T elicits the meanings of some new words from Ss. -T lets Ss listen and repeat the difficult words. + calculate (v) + rank (v) + illiteracy (n) + implement (v) + generation (n) While- Task 1 – Multiple Choice listening -T asks Ss to work individually and listen to the dialogue about S the Boston Marathon and check if their prediction is right or (12 minutes) wrong. -T plays the tape more than once if necessary. S S -T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners. -T invites some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. -T goes over the answers with the whole class. T Ss * Expected answers: 1 – A; 2 – D; 3 – C; 4 – D; 5 – A; 6 – B (12 minutes) Task 2 – Questions and Answers -T asks Ss to work individually to listen to the tape again. S -T plays the tape again and asks Ss to do Task 2. -T plays the tape several times if necessary. S S -T lets Ss discuss the answers with a partner. Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 -T comments and gives correct answers. T Ss * Expected answers: 1. According to the expert, by the year 2015, the population of the world is / will be over 7 million. 2. He says that the population growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same. The population grows more quickly in some part of the world than others. 3. According to the expert, the reason for a fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care. 4. The problem (which) population explosion causes to the world, particularly to developing countries are shortage of foods, lack of hospitals and schools, illiteracy, and poor living conditions. The expert offers 4 solutions. They are: a. To educate people to make them aware of the danger of having more children. b. To provide safe, inexpensive birth-control methods. c. To exercise strict and fair reward and punishment policies. d. To strictly implement a family planning policy. Post- Summarizing listening -T asks Ss to work in groups of four Ss. T has each S in the group Ss Ss summarize the text based on the cues given before once more (8 minutes) time. -T has Ss listen to the tape once or twice to check their summary. S -T gets Ss to compare their work with other groups to have the S Ss best summary. -T invites some Ss to read their summary in front of the class and T Ss gives good marks for the good presentation. -T asks for comments from other Ss. -T gives out his remarks on Ss’s presentation. Homework -T asks Ss to rewrite the summary into their notebooks. (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. T Ss Date: Period Unit 7(cont.) WORLD POPULATION Lesson WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - interpreting statistics on population from a chart. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: an extra board, textbook . . . IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities -T asks Ss to close their notebooks Warm-up -T uses a round shaped cake or a paper on which there is a a round shaped cake. T Ss (5 minutes) -T suggests some questions below to lead into the lesson: T: What’s this? S: It’s a cake. Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 T: Yes, It’s a pie cake. It’s round. Now look at what am I doing. S: You are cutting the cake. T: Yes. I am dividing it into parts. What do you think about the T Ss parts? S: They are the same size. They are equal. T: Now open your books and you can see another one. T: This chart is round so it is a pie chart. Are the parts in the pie T Ss chart equal? S: No, they are not equal. T: Yes. These parts stand for the distribution of population in the world, and it is not equal among regions. Pre-writing Activity 2 – Discovering the distribution -T asks Ss to open their books, working in pairs, one asks the information in the chart and the other answers. * Suggested questions: 1. What is the topic of the chart? S S (10 minutes) 2. How many regions are there? 3. Which continent has the largest population? 4. Which continent has the smallest population? 5. Is th epopulation of Europe larger or smaller than Africa? -T checks the answers with the whole class. -T elicits the format of request from Ss. * Expected answers: 1. The distribution of world population 2. There are 7 regions 3. South Asia T Ss 4. Oceania 5. Larger While- Task 2 – Describing a chart writing -T asks Ss to write a paragraph of 100 – 120 words to describe S the information in the chart, based on the analysis of the chart (20 minutes) above. -T reminds Ss of the organization of a chart description and the useful language given. -T helps Ss revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and nouns if necessary. -T gets Ss to work in pairs and correct each other’s writing. S S -T goes around to control and gives help if necessary. -When they have finished, T collects Ss writings. Feedback on Ss’ writing S -T calls on some Ss to go and copy their writing on the board. -T asks other Ss to give their comments. T Ss -T gives feedback and comments. Post- Discussion writing Situation: “What can we do to solve the overpopulation of some regions in the world?” Ss Ss (8 minutes) -T asks Ss to work in groups of four and tells them to talk about the topic given. -T asks Ss to use the language they have studied in the previous lessons. S -T invites some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class. T Ss -T gives feedback. Homework -T asks Ss to learn by heart the words used to describe information in a table. T Ss Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 (2 minutes) -T asks students to continue writing their descriptions if they haven’t finished yet. -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. Date: Period Unit 7(cont.) WORLD POPULATION Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds / kl /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr / and / kw / - use conditional type 1, 2, 3 and conditional in reported speech appropriately. II. Language Focus: - Grammar: conditional type 1, ,2 and 3 and reported speech with conditional sentences - New words: III. Teaching Aids: Textbooks IV. Procedures: Students’ Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Activities Warm-up Game – Find the other halves -T divides the class into 2 groups. T lets Ss work in groups. T T Ss (5minutes) delivers to each group a set of halves of 3 hearts. -T lets Ss match the halves to make 3 meaningful hearts. -Which group finishes first and give more correct answer will be Ss Ss the winner. Suggested sentence: If I have free time, I will chat with the old Lead – in: 1. What grammatical point is in the heart? (Conditional types?) 2. Do you remember the structure and the usage of conditional types? Pro- Activity 1 – Listen and repeat nunciation -T demonstrates the sounds / kl /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr / and / kw / by T Ss pronouncing them exactly and clearly. -T instructs the ways to pronounce the sounds. (7 minutes) -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times. -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the sounds. T Ss Activity 2 – Practise these sentences -T plays the tape and asks them to repeat. S -T calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. Ss Ss -T introduces peer correction. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. Grammar Presentation – Revision of conditional types (1,2,3) T Ss (10 minutes) Type If-clause Main clause I will / can / shall / may + simple present Real bare infinitive II past subjunctive would / could / should / Unreal (simple past) might + bare infinitive Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao
- Lesson Plan – Grade 11 III Unreal past perfect subjunctive would / could / should / T Ss in the (had + p.p) might + have + p.p past Activity 1 – Verb Tenses (10 minutes) -T requires Ss to do Exercise 1 and 2 in the textbook. S -T goes around to provide help. -T asks Ss to compare their answers with other pairs. S S -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Suggested answers: T Ss Exercise 1 1. would drive 2. could 3. is 4. will take 5. closed 6. will come Exercise 2 3. wouldn’t have 1. had been told 2. had realized been 4. would have bought 5. had studied Activity 2 – Sentence completion (10 minutes) -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise doing Exercise 3. S S -T goes around and gives helps to Ss. -T asks Ss to compare their results with others. -T gives feeback and correct answers. * Suggested answers: 1. The man told her (that) he would come to see her if he had time. T Ss 2. He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet. 3. They told me (that) if it didn’t rain, they would go out with me. (To be continued) Homework - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises. T Ss (3 minutes) - T asks Ss to prepare UNIT 8 Teacher in-charge: Nguyen Van Tao