Bài tập Tiếng anh - Unit: Adjectives and adverds comparison

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  1. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERDS COMPARISON. Full name: ___ Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. harvest cattle load inconvenient atmosphere well-trained pasture collect vast donate 1. My uncle raises a herd of ___ on his farm. 2. There was a long drought which produced a very poor ___. 3. Many millionaires ___ a great deal of money to the poor in this remote area yearly. 4. All people in this small village have to ___ water from remote rivers to their homes every day. 5. It is very ___ to live in the mountainous areas because of the lack of transportation. 6. On the way to my hometown, I can see the ___ fields stretching to the horizon. 7. ___ workers in this factory can produce quality performance. 8. When I go to the countryside, I enjoy the peaceful ___ and the clear blue sky there. 9. I usually help my grandfather ___ the rice onto the ox-drawn cart during harvest time. 10. Look! A little boy is driving the herd of buffaloes to the ___. Exercise 2. Write the comparative form of these adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives / Adverbs Comparative form 1 hot 2 beautiful 3 crazy 4 early 5 much 6 badly 7 well 8 wonderful 9 happy 10 far Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct comparison. 1. She can’t stay (long) ___ 30 minutes. 2. The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) ___ the white one. 3. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ___ being a builder. 4. Lan sings (sweet) ___ Hoa. 5. The weather this summer is even (hot) ___ last summer. 6. Your accent is (bad) ___ mine. 7. Hot dogs are (good) ___ hamburgers. 8. French is considered to be (difficult) ___ English. 9. This flower is (beautiful) ___ that one. 10. My house is (big) ___ yours. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. I think living in the city is ___ living in the country. (convenient) 2. That boy is only 18 years old. He is ___ me. It’s incredible! (young) 3. My performance is ___ Sam’s. (bad) 4. No one in my class is ___ Jack. (clever) 5. This high-tech mobile phone is much ___ my old one. (expensive) 6. I have ___ patience than my friends, so I can’t wait for even five minutes. (little) 7. The house we lived in was ___ my flat now. (modem) 8. In my opinion, country folks are ___ city dwellers. (friendly) 9. My tutor always helps me to be ___ when I speak in public. (confident) 10. All the fanners in the village have to work hard to have a ___ life. (good)
  2. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with a suitable comparative form of the words provided. 1. Traffic in the city is always ___ that in the countryside. (busy) 2. A sofa is ___ a bench. (comfortable) 3. Does a tiger run ___ a horse? (slow) 4. Anna sings ___ her classmates. (good) 5. My house is ___ from the city centre than Lucy’s house. (far) 6. John plays the flutes ___ Henry. (bad) 7. Cities are ___ villages. (big) 8. This year, the farmers in my village work ___ they did last year. (hard) 9. Villages are ___ cities. (quiet) 10. I think people in rural areas live ___ those in urban areas. (happy) Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adverbs in brackets. 1. Julia can speak English ___ I do. (fluently) 2. The visitors are expected to arrive ___ the scheduled time. (early) 3. Tony submitted his assignment ___ me yesterday. (late) 4. Mary won the competition because she danced ___ anyone Else. (beautifully) 5. I asked Anna to speak ___ because it was too noisy in the room. (loud) 6. I quite believe that our team can do this project ___ the other one. (well) 7. Dan won the medal because he could jump ___ other students in the sport event. (high) 8. If you use this latest model car, you can go ___ when you use your old car. (far) 9. I’m afraid that I can’t let James drive because he drives ___ I do. (carelessly) 10. My sister is very clumsy. She cooks ___ my brother. (badly) Exercise 7. Use the word in brackets in their correct comparative forms to complete the sentences. 1. Cattle usually cross over the road here, so you should drive more ___. (careful) 2. Life in cities is ___ and ___ that in the countryside. (fast, convenient) 3. Fanners often have to start a day ___ city dwellers. (early) 4. I think people in the countryside are ___ those in the city. (friendly) 5. Living in this small town is ___ I expected. (peaceful) 6. Houses in cities are much ___ those in the countryside. (tall) 7. Air pollution in our city is much ___ it used to be. (bad) 8. The modern harvest machine is ___ the old one. (effective) 9. The road in this small town is crowded and narrow, so you had better drive a bit ___. (slow) 10. The food in a floating market is ___ that in a supermarket. (cheap) Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers. 1. I like living in this village because it is (more peaceful /peacefuller) than living in the city. 2. City dwellers are (more anxious / anxiouser) about noise pollution than those in small towns. 3. More and more people move to a (bigger / biggest) city to get more job opportunities every year. 4. This board game is (more exciting / the more exciting) than the one I played yesterday. 5. Sam is (more intelligent/most intelligent) than Jack. 6. My new car is (costlier / more costly) than the old one. 7.When we have enough money, we will move to a (more comfortable more comfortable than) apartment next year. 8. I hope you will get (gooder /better) results in the next exam. 9. My sister loves to live in Da Lat because it is (more quiet / quieter) than her area. 10. The more my daughter grows up, the (more independent /independenter) she is. Exercise 9. Circle the correct answers. 1. It’s incredible, your house is much (bigger / more big / biger) than mine. 2. Bill has a good mood today, he looks (more happy / happier / more happily) than he was yesterday. 3. Pat’s car is (faster / fastest / more fast) than Peter’s. 4. This picture is (colourfuler / more colourful / more colourfully) than the one in the hall. 5. Most people like working with Tom because he always does his work (more responsibly / responsibler / more responsible) than others. 6. This vegetable soup tastes (well / best / better) if you add more salt. 7. My new job is (hardly / harder / hardlier) than my old one. 8. Lucy is the (prettier / prettiest / more pretty) of the two students. 9. Does Fred feel (weller / better / gooder) today than he did yesterday? 10. We must come (early / more early / earlier) than other people to get the best seats.
  3. Exercise 10. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 1. Quang helps his parents ___ the rice onto the ox-drawn cart. A. load B. collect C. dry D. ride 2. In my opinion, city life is more ___ than country life. A. friendly B. exciting C. natural D. peaceful 3. I love this view because the sky is ___ here in the countryside because there are no buildings to block the view. A. tidy B. close C. dense D. vast 4. Look! Some boys are ___ the buffaloes. A. picking B. playing C. driving D. herding 5. Julia plays the guitar ___ than Anna does. A. more goodly B. more well C. better D. gooder 6. Medical help is ___ easily obtained in big cities than in remote areas. A. more B. fewer C. less D. higher 7. Today I got up ___ than I did yesterday. A. earlier B. more early C. more earlily D. more earlier 8. This student seems to be ___ than we thought. A. more quick B. more quickly C. quicklier D. quicker 9. The wind is blowing ___ than it did last night. A. stronger B. more strongly C. stronglier D. more stronger 10. Is living in the city ___ than living in the country? A. more convenient B. more convenienter C. as convenient D. convenienter Exercise 11. Choose the best answers. 1. It is ___ in the city than it is in the country. A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy 2. The Maths test was ___ than I thought. A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier 3. Japanese is thought to be ___ than English. A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest 4. My apartment is ___ hers. A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than 5. Her school is ___ from home than mine. A. father B. more far C. farther D. farer Exercise 12. Reorder the words to make correct sentences. 1. I / travelling / think / by / plane / is / much / more / by/ than/ expensive / train. ___ 2. me, / is / more / To / health / important / money / than. ___ 3. in / the / is / Life / more / countryside / peaceful / the / that / in / than / city. ___ 4. service / healthcare / The / in / the / than / is / the / better / city / that / in / countryside. ___ 5. air / areas / The / is / in / fresher / urban / rural / than / in / the / that / one. ___ 6. looks / David / than / stronger / John. ___ 7. I / at / than / better / my / English / am / sister. ___ 8. in / city / Roads / the / often / are / in / crowded / more / those / the / than / small / town. ___ 9. Is / tastier / cake / this / that / than / one? ___ 10. and / Fruits / vegetables / are / fast / than / healthier / food. ___ Exercise 13. Write sentences using the suggestions below. 1. I/ play/ badminton/ badly/ Tom /. =>
  4. 2. Anna/ behave/ politely/ her younger brother /.=> 3. Now /I/ drive/ carefully/I/ used to /. => 4. You / perform / task / well / Lucy/. => 5. Today/ the/ sun/ shine/ brightly / yesterday /.=> 6. You / decorate/ house/ beautifully/I/ do /. => 7. Nancy / work/ hard/ other/ students/ class /. => 8. Jack/ swim/ fast/ any/ other/ people/ the/ race /.=> 9. Librarian/ told/ us/ talk/ a bit/ quietly /. => 10. If/ you/ not/ run/ fast,/ you/ not/ go/ school/ time /.=> Exercise 14. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. I arrived at the meeting at 8.00 a.m. However, the manager had already been there. (than) => The manager arrived 2. This board game is more interesting than that video game. (boring) => That video game 3. James is a more skillful football player than David. (skillfully) => James 4. Julia is a better cook than I am. (cooks) => Julia . 5. Susan finished this project in 5 days, but Henry finished it in only 2 days. (than) => Henry 6. Life in the countryside isn’t as stressful as life in the city. (more) => Life in the city . 7. It is quite easy to find a shopping centre in the city, but it is not easy to find one in the countryside. (than) => Finding . 8. I spent two hours doing this task and three hours doing that one. (than) => That task 9. Where I live is not as noisy as where you live. (than) => Where you live 10. Living costs in the city are much more expensive than those in the countryside. (than) => Living costs in the countryside . Exercise 15. Rewrite each sentence so it has the same meaning. 1. Tim is older than Sarah. (young) => Sarah . 2. Our house is larger than yours. (small) => Your house is . 3. Bill is not as tall as David. (short) => Bill is . 4. Jack’s marks are worse than mine. (good) => My marks . 5. This book is cheaper than that one. (expensive) => That book is 6. Your bike runs faster than mine. (slowly) => My bike 7. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees. (cold) => It’s 8. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. (more) => It takes . 9. We were very busy at work today. We are not as busy as that every day. (busy) => We 10. Jane cooks better than her sister. (bad) => Jane’s sister .